Problem with using functions on a string array of videos

Hello! I guess my problem isn’t so hard to solve, but I really need some help with this.
I have an array of videos and I’m playing a random video everytime a key is pressed.
Now with pressing another key I want to use another function that will affect the video that is playing at this moment.
But I can’t figure out how to make it. Please help me, here is the code:

String[] moviesNames = { 
  "1.MOV", "2.MOV"
int index = int(random(moviesNames.length));
Movie[] movies;

//Movie mov_a, mov_b, mov_c, mov_d, nowPlaying;

Boolean isPlaying = false;

void setup() {
  size(displayWidth, displayHeight, P2D);
  frameRate = 30;
  movies = new Movie[moviesNames.length];
  for (int i = 0; i < moviesNames.length; i++) {
    movies[i] = new Movie(this, moviesNames[i]);

void draw() {
    image(movies[index], 0, 0, width, height);

void movieEvent(Movie _mov) {;  

void keyPressed() {
  isPlaying = true;
  if ((keyPressed == true) && ((key == ‘s’) || (key == ‘S’))){
  if ((keyPressed == true) && ((key == ‘g’) || (key == ‘G’)))    

 // int k = keyCode;
 // if (k >= ‘A’ && k <= ‘Z’){
 //   pickRandomVideoIndex();
 // }

//void keyReleased(){
 // isPlaying = false;
 // movies[index].stop();

void pickRandomVideoIndex() {
  if (movies.length <= 1) {

  //movies[index].pause(); // pause current video.
  int rnd = index; // keep picking a new index till got a diff. 1:
  while ( rnd == index ){
   rnd = (int) random(movies.length);

  // assign newly picked random value to index:
  index = rnd;
  movies[index].loop(); // and start playing it.

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