Problem with OSC send from Max For Live?

Hi there,

I can read OSC midi from max for live but I can’t read OSC data from max for Live while it is the same port.
I give you a screenshot with Live and OSC “object” of M4Live just that you can see I send good datas from Live with the good port.
And I give the programs to read datas, the first OSC midi and the second OSC data
I have tried many time to restart Processing programs but just first works (it is the one on the top left the screenshot, you can see strings move with midi note)
Thanks for your help :wink:

//import the necessary libraries to use send, receive and understand OSC data
import oscP5.*;
//import netP5.*;

// OSC loading stuff
OscP5 o;
//NetAddress myRemoteLocation;

B_String string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6, string7, string8;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);

  o = new OscP5(this, 2346);  //set a port number - it has to be same as in your Max for Live device
  //myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress("", 2346);
  string1=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.2, 250);
  string2=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.3, 50);
  string3=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.4, 150);
  string4=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.5, 100);
  string5=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.6, 200);
  string6=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.7, 0);
  string7=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.8, 133);
  string8=new B_String (width*0.1, width*0.3 , width*0.7, width*0.9, height*0.9, 278);

int velocity1, velocity2, velocity3, velocity4, velocity5, velocity6, velocity7, velocity8 = 0;
float ver_move1, ver_move2, ver_move3, ver_move4, ver_move5, ver_move6, ver_move7, ver_move8;
float duration1, duration2, duration3, duration4, duration5, duration6, duration7, duration8;
int note1, note2, note3, note4, note5, note6, note7, note8  = 0;

void draw() {
  //translate(width/3, height/3);
  //stroke(250, 0, 0);
  if (ver_move1>0){
    ver_move1 = ver_move1 -duration1;}
  if (ver_move2>0){
    ver_move2 = ver_move2 -duration2;}
  if (ver_move3>0){
    ver_move3 = ver_move3 -duration3;}
  if (ver_move4>0){
    ver_move4 = ver_move4 -duration4;}
  if (ver_move5>0){
    ver_move5 = ver_move5 -duration5;}
  if (ver_move6>0){
    ver_move6 = ver_move6 -duration6;}
  if (ver_move7>0){
    ver_move7 = ver_move7 -duration7;}
  if (ver_move8>0){
    ver_move8 = ver_move8 -duration8;}
  ver_move1 = - ver_move1;
  ver_move2 = - ver_move2;
  ver_move3 = - ver_move3;
  ver_move4 = - ver_move4;
  ver_move5 = - ver_move5;
  ver_move6 = - ver_move6;
  ver_move7 = - ver_move7;
  ver_move8 = - ver_move8;

void oscEvent(OscMessage theMsg) {
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity1")==true) {
      velocity1 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move1 = map(velocity1, 0, 127, 0, 60);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity2")==true) {
      velocity2 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move2 = map(velocity2, 0, 127, 0, 60);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity3")==true) {
      velocity3 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move3 = map(velocity3, 0, 127, 0, 60);
    if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity4")==true) {
      velocity4 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move4 = map(velocity4, 0, 127, 0, 60);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity5")==true) {
      velocity5 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move5 = map(velocity5, 0, 127, 0, 60);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity6")==true) {
      velocity6 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move6 = map(velocity6, 0, 127, 0, 60);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity7")==true) {
      velocity7 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move7 = map(velocity7, 0, 127, 0, 60);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Velocity8")==true) {
      velocity8 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      ver_move8 = map(velocity8, 0, 127, 0, 60);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note1")==true) {
      note1 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration1 = map(sq(note1), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note2")==true) {
      note2 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration2 = map(sq(note2), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note3")==true) {
      note3 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration3 = map(sq(note3), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note4")==true) {
      note4 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration4 = map(sq(note4), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note5")==true) {
      note5 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration5 = map(sq(note5), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note6")==true) {
      note6 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration6 = map(sq(note6), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note7")==true) {
      note7 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration7 = map(sq(note7), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/Note8")==true) {
      note8 = theMsg.get(0).intValue();
      duration8 = map(sq(note8), 1, sq(127), 0.05, 0.5);

/*float log10 (int x) {
  return (log(x) / log(10));

class B_String {
  float osc_points, p11, p21, p31, p41, shade;
  B_String(float a1, float b1, float c1, float d1, float i, int colour) {
    //fill(250, 0, 0, 55);
    stroke(200, colour, 0);
    bezier(a1, i, b1, i, c1, i, d1, i);
    osc_points = i;
    p11 = a1;
    p21 = b1;
    p31 = c1;
    p41 = d1;
    shade = colour;
    //fill(0, 0, 0);
  void display(float velocity) { 
      stroke(200, shade, 0);
      bezier(p11, osc_points, p21, osc_points+velocity, p31, osc_points+velocity, p41, osc_points);
      bezier(p11, osc_points, p21, osc_points+0.8*velocity, p31, osc_points+0.8*velocity, p41, osc_points);
      bezier(p11, osc_points, p21, osc_points+0.6*velocity, p31, osc_points+0.6*velocity, p41, osc_points);
      bezier(p11, osc_points, p21, osc_points+0.4*velocity, p31, osc_points+0.4*velocity, p41, osc_points);
      bezier(p11, osc_points, p21, osc_points+0.2*velocity, p31, osc_points+0.2*velocity, p41, osc_points);
      bezier(p11, osc_points, p21, osc_points, p31, osc_points, p41, osc_points);

//import the necessary libraries to use send, receive and understand OSC data
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;

// OSC loading stuff
OscP5 o;
//NetAddress myRemoteLocation;

float automation1, automation2, automation3, automation4, automation5, automation6, automation7;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);

  o = new OscP5(this, 2346); //set a port number - it has to be same as in your Max for Live device
 // myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress("", 2346); //define address ove which the communication takes place. Requires host address ( for localhost and the port number previously defined.)

void draw() {

automation2= automation3= automation4 =automation5= automation6= automation7=    automation1;
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  float ver_move = map(automation1, 0, 1, -300, 300);
  float hor_move = map(automation2, 0, 1, -100, 100);
  float RColour = map(automation3, 0, 1, 0, 255);
  float GColour = map(-automation4, 0, 1, 0, 255);
  float BColour = map(automation5, 0, 1, 0, 255);
  float XSize = map(automation6, 0, 1, 10, 80);
  float YSize = map(automation7, 0, 1, 10, 80);
  println (automation7);
  ellipse(ver_move, hor_move, XSize, YSize);

//receive and analyse OSC messages
void oscEvent(OscMessage theMsg) {
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/XPosition")==true) {
      automation1 = theMsg.get(0).floatValue();
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/YPosition")==true) {
      automation2 = theMsg.get(0).floatValue();
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/RColour")==true) {
      automation3 = theMsg.get(0).floatValue();
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/GColour")==true) {
      automation4 = theMsg.get(0).floatValue();
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/BColour")==true) {
      automation5 = theMsg.get(0).floatValue();
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/XSize")==true) {
      automation6 = theMsg.get(0).floatValue();
  if(theMsg.checkAddrPattern("/YSize")==true) {
      automation7 = theMsg.get(0).floatValue();