Problem while creating a brick breaker game

Can somebody help me display the bricks correctly. I can´t get it to work.
I think the problem is the array and how I determine the position of the bricks.
Thank you!

Here`s the main Program:

SpielerFlaeche player;
SpielBall ball;
int brickWidth;
int brickHeight;
int REIHEN = 8;
int SPEED = 6;
Brick[] bricks = new Brick[(width/(brickWidth+10))*REIHEN];

void setup() {
  size(1000, 1000);
  brickWidth = width/10;
  brickHeight = height/25;

  player = new SpielerFlaeche(width/2, height-height/8);
  ball = new SpielBall(width/2, height/2);
  for (int i = 0; i < bricks.length; i++) {
    bricks[i] = new Brick();
void draw() {

  for (int j = 10; j < (brickHeight+10)*REIHEN; j += (brickHeight+10)) {
    for (int i = 10; i < width; i += (brickWidth+10)) {
      int arrayPlace = (i/(brickWidth+10))+(j/(brickHeight+10));
      bricks[arrayPlace].pos.set(i, j);
  for (Brick b : bricks) {
    if (!b.dead) {



The brick class:

class Brick {
  PVector pos;
  boolean dead;

  Brick() {
    pos = new PVector(0, 10);
    dead = false;
  void show() {
    if (!dead) {
      rect(pos.x, pos.y, brickWidth, brickHeight);

The ball class:

class SpielBall {
  PVector pos;
  PVector dir;
  int radius;

  SpielBall(float x, float y) {
    radius = 10;
    pos = new PVector(x, y);
    dir = new PVector();
    dir = PVector.random2D();

  void update() {
    if (pos.x - radius < 0 || pos.x + radius > width) {
      dir.x *= -1;
    if (pos.y - radius < 0 || pos.y + radius > height) {
      dir.y *= -1;

  void bounceOffPlayer() {
    if (pos.x - radius < player.pos.x + width/20 && pos.x + radius > player.pos.x - width/20 && pos.y + radius < player.pos.y + height/200 && pos.y + radius > player.pos.y - height/200) {
      float dirNumber = player.pos.x - pos.x;
      dir.y *= -1;
      dir.x = map(dirNumber, -60, 60, 7, -7);

  void bounceOffBricks(PVector brickPos) {
    PVector linksOben = new PVector(brickPos.x, brickPos.y);
    PVector linksUnten = new PVector(brickPos.x, brickPos.y + brickHeight);
    PVector rechtsOben = new PVector(brickPos.x + brickWidth, brickPos.y);
    PVector rechtsUnten = new PVector(brickPos.x + brickWidth, brickPos.y + brickHeight);

    if (pos.y - radius < linksUnten.y && pos.y + radius > rechtsOben.y && pos.x + radius < rechtsUnten.x && pos.x - radius > linksUnten.x) {
      dir.y *= -1;
      for (Brick g : bricks) {
        if (g.pos == brickPos) {
          g.dead = true;

  void show() {
    ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, radius*2, radius*2);

And the playerPanel class:

class SpielerFlaeche {
  PVector pos;

  SpielerFlaeche(float x, float y) {
    pos = new PVector(x, y);

  void update() {
    //pos.x = ball.pos.x;
    pos.x = mouseX;
    //if (pos.x > ball.pos.x) {
    //  pos.x -= 100;
    //} else if (pos.x < ball.pos.x) {
    //  pos.x += 100;

  void show() {
    rect(pos.x-width/20, pos.y-height/200, width/10, height/100);
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Instead of the calculation you did for arrayPlace, try using j *10+i and use j and i as x and y coorinates for the bricks. This will set them from the top left, to the top right and then Start the Next row underneath, while continuing the number linearly.

Like :

for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
  for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
    bricks[i*rows+j].pos.set(i*width + offset, j*height + offset)

And this should only need to be set once in setup…


Thank you that worked.

like that

bricks[i*rows+j].pos.set(i*brickWidth + offset*i, j*brickHeight + offset*j)
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