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Hi! I am a beginner working on a Brickbreaker game, but I encountered some problems trying to make bricks permanently disappear when the ball hits it. Below is a method in my code that does it.
I expected a brick to disappear completely, but when I run, the bricks disappear for a split second when the ball hits it but is redrawn immediately after. Did I put any checkpoints in the wrong loops? Thanks!
void drawBricks() {
int [] bricksX = {30, 225, 410, 600, 800};
int [] bricksY = {30, 80, 130, 180};
boolean [][] isHit = new boolean [4][5]; //2-D array that I did not use
boolean [] hit = new boolean [20]; //array storing the collision status of each of the 20 bricks
for (i=0; i<4; i++) { //row, y
for (j=0; j<5; j++) { //column, x
if (!(hit[i*5+j]) && ballX>bricksX[j]&&ballX<bricksX[j]+170 && ballY<bricksY[i]+40) {
bricksX[j]=bricksX[j]+10000; //move the x-value of the brick off-screen so it's not hit twice
if (!(hit[i*5+j])){ //if hit is false, draw the brick
rect(bricksX[j], bricksY[i], 170, 40);