Problem for exporting SVG from P5js editor


I have problems with exporting in SVG format. Some weeks ago, it was possible to export files in SVG with the method explained by gorilla sun, but it no longer works and I don’t know why. My level in programing is not very good as I’m a beginner. Perhaps some of you will have a solution for me.

Initialy, it was ok to put this line in the head part of the index.html of the sketch. I saw that a new version was available with 1.5.1, but unfortunately when I use this reference, an error is reported in the console…

The message is:
" p5.js says: [p5.svg.js, line 2007] createCanvas() was expecting P2D|WEBGL for the third parameter, received string instead. (reference | p5.js) "

Thanks if you can help.

Hello @nicolast,

Try including P2D or WEBGL and see what happens!

createCanvas(720, 400, P2D);


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