Pixel sorting (time and pixel increment)

In this sketch by Kim Asendorf a pixel sorting is performed only once.

Is it possible to give movement to this pixel sorting?
And most importantly, how can you increase this pixel sorting?

int mode = 1;

PImage bg;
String imgFileName = "MyImage";
String fileType = "jpg";

// valori di soglia per determinare i pixel di inizio e fine
int blackValue = -20000000;
int brightnessValue = 20;
int whiteValue = -13000000;

int column = 1;

float Time;
int restart = 0;

void setup() {
  bg = loadImage("Tree.jpg");
  size(1200, 675);
  // ridimensionamento alla schermata - aggiorna la superficie alle dimensioni dell'immagine
 // surface.setResizable(true);
 // surface.setSize(img.width, img.height);
  //  immagine aggiornata sulla superficie e ridimensionata per adattarla a larghezza e altezza del display
  image(bg, 0, 0, width, height);

void draw() {
  float sec = map(frameCount, 0, 60*60, 0,  TWO_PI);
   if (sec >= random(0.1,0.12)){
  // sorting su colonne
  while(column < bg.width) {

  image(bg, 0, 0, width, height);

void sortColumn() {
  int x = column;
  // inizio sorting
  int y = 0;
  // fine sorting
  int yend = 0;
  while(yend < bg.height) {
    switch(mode) {
      case 0:
        y = getFirstNotBlackY(x, y);
        yend = getNextBlackY(x, y);
      case 1:
        y = getFirstBrightY(x, y);
        yend = getNextDarkY(x, y);
      case 2:
        y = getFirstNotWhiteY(x, y);
        yend = getNextWhiteY(x, y);
    if(y < 0) break;
    int sortLength = yend-y;
    color[] unsorted = new color[sortLength];
    color[] sorted = new color[sortLength];
    for(int i=0; i<sortLength; i++) {
      unsorted[i] = bg.pixels[x + (y+i) * bg.width];
    sorted = sort(unsorted);
    for(int i=0; i<sortLength; i++) {
      bg.pixels[x + (y+i) * bg.width] = sorted[i];
    y = yend+1;

// black y
int getFirstNotBlackY(int x, int y) {

  if(y < bg.height) {
    while(bg.pixels[x + y * bg.width] < blackValue) {
      if(y >= bg.height)
        return -1;
  return y;

int getNextBlackY(int x, int y) {

  if(y < bg.height) {
    while(bg.pixels[x + y * bg.width] > blackValue) {
      if(y >= bg.height)
        return bg.height-1;
  return y-1;

// brightness y
int getFirstBrightY(int x, int y) {

  if(y < bg.height) {
    while(brightness(bg.pixels[x + y * bg.width]) < brightnessValue) {
      if(y >= bg.height)
        return -1;
  return y;

int getNextDarkY(int x, int y) {

  if(y < bg.height) {
    while(brightness(bg.pixels[x + y * bg.width]) > brightnessValue) {
      if(y >= bg.height)
        return bg.height-1;
  return y-1;

// white y
int getFirstNotWhiteY(int x, int y) {

  if(y < bg.height) {
    while(bg.pixels[x + y * bg.width] > whiteValue) {
      if(y >= bg.height)
        return -1;
  return y;

int getNextWhiteY(int x, int y) {
  if(y < bg.height) {
    while(bg.pixels[x + y * bg.width] < whiteValue) {
      if(y >= bg.height) 
        return bg.height-1;
  return y-1;

By “give movement” do you mean sort one column at a time, one each frame? There are many kinds of movement. Can you describe what you want to achieve, as carefully as possible?

Right now the sketch uses while(column < bg.width) { to keep increasing column until it is done sorting all of them – all in a single frame.

Instead, you could remove the while{}, unindent the contents, and replace it with a statement: if (column == bg.width) column = 1;. Then draw() will sort one column each frame, and keep sorting forever.

When you say “increase” what do you mean? I don’t understand.