Physically based rendering library for Processing SimplePBR

This looks awesome! But I cannot compile it. I tried on Windows and Mac. I get this error on the mat.bind() function:

The sketch has been automatically resized to fit the screen resolution
Cannot validate shader program:Validation Error: Samplers of different types point to the same texture unitValidation Error: Samplers of different types point to the same texture unit

You could make your own loadShader that adds a definition depending on your os:

public PShader loadShader(String vertsrc, String fragsrc) {
	String os = System.getProperty("");

	// Load shader files
	String vert = join(loadStrings(vertsrc), "\n");
	String frag = join(loadStrings(fragsrc), "\n");

	// Windows
	if(os.contains("Windows")) {
		vert = "#define WINDOWS\n" + vert;
		frag = "#define WINDOWS\n" + frag;

	// Mac OS
	else if(os.contains("Mac")) {
		vert = "#define MAC\n" + vert;
		frag = "#define MAC\n" + frag;

	// Linux
	else if(os.contains("Linux")) {
		vert = "#define LINUX\n" + vert;
		frag = "#define LINUX\n" + frag;

	// Other...
	else {
		vert = "#define UNKNOWNOS\n" + vert;
		frag = "#define UNKNOWNOS\n" + frag;

	// Build shader from strings
	return new PShader(this, vert.split("\n"), frag.split("\n"));

And then use #ifdef OSNAME with #endif in your shader to mask blocks of code depending on the user os, for exemple:

#ifdef WINDOWS
	vec4 coolcolor = texture2D(texture, uv);

#ifdef MAC
	vec4 coolcolor = texture(texture, uv);
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