Hi my friends,
I am trying to convert the guest tutorial matrix rain from coding train to processing version. But I found that the code will result gazillion amount of cache file to my disk, maybe because I am using PFont. Each steam of characters will take as cache file. I wonder if there is way to avoid to build such amount of cache by changing the code or cleaning up the caches when the code running.
here is my code:
float symbolSize;
Stream[] streams;
int streamSize;
void setup()
size(800, 400);
background(0, 100);
symbolSize = 15;
streamSize = (int)(width/symbolSize);
streams = new Stream[streamSize];
int x = 0;
int y = int(random(-1000, 0));
for(int i = 0; i <= streamSize-1; i++)
Stream stream = new Stream(x, y, symbolSize);
streams[i] = stream;
x += symbolSize;
void draw()
background(0, 100);
for(Stream s: streams)
class Stream
Symbol[] symbols;
Symbol symbol;
int totalSymbols;
float symbolSize;
float rainSpeed;
int x, y;
float fateInterval;
Stream(int x, int y, float symbolSize)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.symbolSize = symbolSize;
rainSpeed = random(1, 10);
fateInterval = 1.6;
totalSymbols = floor(random(5, height/symbolSize-1));
symbols = new Symbol[totalSymbols];
void generateSymbols()
//boolean first = round(random(0, 4))==1? true:false;
boolean first = round(random(0, 4))==1;
float opacity = 255;
for(int i = 0; i <= totalSymbols-1; i++)
symbol = new Symbol(x, y, symbolSize, rainSpeed, first, opacity);
symbols[i] = symbol;
y -= symbolSize;
opacity -= (255/totalSymbols)/fateInterval;
first = false;
void render()
for(Symbol s: symbols)
fill(200, 250, 230, s.opacity);
fill(10, 250, 110, s.opacity);
text(s.word, s.x, s.y);
class Symbol
PFont font;
int x, y;
char word;
float size;
float speed;
int switchInterval ;
boolean first;
float opacity;
Symbol(int _x, int _y, float _size, float _speed, boolean _first, float _opacity)
x = _x;
y = _y;
size = _size;
speed = _speed;
first = _first;
opacity = _opacity;
//font = createFont("SawarabiMincho-Regular.ttf", size);
font = createFont("Yomogi-Regular.ttf", size);
switchInterval = round(random(2, 25));
void setToRandomSymbol()
//float charType = round(random(0, 5));
if(frameCount%switchInterval == 0)
//if(charType > 1)
// set it to Katakana
word = char(0x30A0 + floor(random(0, 97)));
// // set it to numeric
// word = char(floor(random(0, 10)));
void rain()
y = (y >= height)? 0: y+(int)speed;