Perlin noise detail

Is there any way to make the noise() function more continuous? It seems it only goes down to steps of around 0.003 until it acts discontinuously. For example noise(0.000) = noise(0.002).

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As you mentioned in your title, using the noiseDetail() function with a low value for the lod helps smoothing the perlin noise function.

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Is there any better way to do this? Since using noiseDetail() makes it more bumpy which is not what I’m looking for.


Could you please explain the usage for this kind of noise, what do you want to achieve? Do you have a simple piece of code to test it?

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I’m trying to use it for the location of an object which will span across the length of the screen. However, it needs to be slow and at this scale it jumps several pixels at a time, which doesn’t look right. Making the noiseDetail higher gives the object smaller oscillations which I also don’t want.

void setup(){

void draw(){
  for(int i = 0; i < 192; i++){
    line(i * 10, 0, i * 10, 1080); 
  ellipse(1920 * 2 * noise(frameCount*0.0002), 540, 8, 8);

one way is to use smoothing with lerp()