I’m looking for a way to pass
as arguments to processing-java
Is the only way to change them in preferences.txt
or are there ways to pass them on the command line?
I’m looking for a way to pass
as arguments to processing-java
Is the only way to change them in preferences.txt
or are there ways to pass them on the command line?
Maybe a look at the source code of the processing-java CLI might help.
It’s difficult to find it though, as the project is so large. Could anyone please point me to the source file on Github? Thanks.
I found the source. It’s here: processing/java/src/processing/mode/java/Commander.java at master · processing/processing · GitHub
It seems like there is/was a --preferences=
argument planned that allows to
pass in a prefs path if that was specified
but the code is commented out. At least, for now, it doesn’t seem like there is any other option other than modifying preferences.txt
directly. I think it would be a good option though. In my case, I don’t like to make these changes permanently.
I’ve requested support here: https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/5921