Optimized Minecraft Clone in Processing

I made a Minecraft clone in processing java. It has basic functions like placing/breaking blocks, sprinting, flying, ambient music, sound effects, and random world generation. The whole thing is about 1000 lines long and took about 10 hours. It’s somewhat optimized (backface/occlusion culling) so it can render 25k blocks at 30 fps.

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.


Hi and welcome to the forum.

Amazing what can be done with just 1000 lines of code. :smile:

If you make the sketch code available it might be possible to provide suggestions or feedback.

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I’d be interested in code

Did you make a sky sphere?

How do you steer the player, with the mouse?

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I don’t understand what you mean by ‘sky sphere’, I just set the background color, and anything not covered by blocks will be the sky. For steering, wasd for movement and mouse is for looking around. I used java.awt.Robot to lock the mouse to the center of the screen.

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Thanks for that!

I would be glad to see the code

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Sorry for the delay.

The code is on Github.


Thank you so much!


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