Hello folks,
I was inspired by this topic by @jetjaguar:
Convert UDP packet to floats?
And this gallery post:
Live Face Tracking (sans OpenCV)
And was working on receiving the UDP data without the java.nio.ByteBuffer and java.nio.ByteOrder library at the time just for the heck of it and to work my brain a bit.
I do not have a face tracker so used the “Test tracker” input of the OpenTrack software.
// OpenTrack to Processing
// v1.0.0
// GLV 2021-02-28
import hypermedia.net.*;
//import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
//import java.nio.ByteOrder;
UDP udp;
int PORT_RX = 1717; // set port in opentrack
String HOST_IP = "";
String receivedFromUDP = "";
double x, y, z, Y, P, R;
PImage img1, img6;
void setup()
size(350, 270, P3D);
udp = new UDP(this, PORT_RX, HOST_IP);
img1 = loadImage("side1.png");
img6 = loadImage("side6.png");
img1.resize(180, 160);
img6.resize(180, 160);
void draw()
text((float) x, 20, 30);
text((float) y, 20, 50);
text((float) z, 20, 70);
text((float) Y, 20, 90);
text((float) P, 20, 110);
text((float) R, 20, 130);
translate(width/2, height/2-20);
float angleY = -radians((float) Y);
float angleP = +radians((float) P);
float angleR = -radians((float) R);
if (angleY > -TAU/4 && angleY < TAU/4)
image(img1, 0, 0);
image(img6, 0, 0);
void receive(byte[] data)
for(int i=7; i>=0; i--)
print(hex(data[i+24]) + " ");
x = byteArrayToDouble(data, 0);
y = byteArrayToDouble(data, 8);
z = byteArrayToDouble(data, 16);
Y = byteArrayToDouble(data, 24);
P = byteArrayToDouble(data, 32);
R = byteArrayToDouble(data, 40);
Double byteArrayToDouble(byte[] data, int off)
long longBits =
(data[7 + off] & 0xFFl) << 56 | (data[6 + off] & 0xFFl) << 48 | (data[5 + off] & 0xFFl) << 40 | (data[4 + off] & 0xFFl) << 32 |
(data[3 + off] & 0xFFl) << 24 | (data[2 + off] & 0xFFl) << 16 | (data[1 + off] & 0xFFl) << 8 | (data[0 + off] & 0xFFl) << 0;
System.out.println(String.format("0x%016X", longBits));
return Double.longBitsToDouble(longBits);
The OpenTrack software:
Releases · opentrack/opentrack · GitHub
The images I used are in the software files.
I sized the sketch and image (top left) to match the OpenTrack output (right):
I got this working. The perspective may be a bit off.
That was fun!