Hi. I am trying to create a multivideo player and have based mostly on this answer. I’m using Processing on Debian 10 with the beta video library recommended for Linux.
Playing my 4 videos the first time works fine, but when going back to the first video, the videos start playing one over another and play for few seconds only. I assumed it was something in bringing back the currentMovieIndex
variable to 0, so I tried to rewrite the code in several ways, but the effect is always the same. Can anybody see the bug that I’m not seeing? Thank you!
import processing.video.*;
int numMovies = 4;//total number of movies
Movie[] playlist = new Movie[numMovies];//a list of all the movie objects, currently not initialized
int currentMovieIndex = 0;//index of the movie currently playing
float movieEndDuration = 0.029719;//a 'magic number' helpful to find out when a movie finishes playing
void setup(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < numMovies; i++){
//initialize each movie object in the list
playlist[i] = new Movie(this,"vid-"+i+".mp4");//new Movie(this, "vid-"+(i+1)+".mp4");
//start playback
void draw(){
if (playlist[currentMovieIndex].available()) {
if((playlist[currentMovieIndex].time() + movieEndDuration) >= playlist[currentMovieIndex].duration()){
println("movie at index " + currentMovieIndex + " finished playback");
//go to the next movie index
currentMovieIndex = (currentMovieIndex+1);
//increment by one buy use % to loop back to index 0 when the end of the movie array is reached
if (currentMovieIndex > (numMovies-1)) {
currentMovieIndex = 0;
//use this to tell the next movie in the list to play
println("movie at index " + currentMovieIndex + " started");