I’m trying to make multitouch work in Processing 4. Onece upon a time in Processing 2, there was a library which seemed to to just that : SMT for Simple Multi Touch.
Unfortunately, Processing 3 dropped the support for JFrame, something to do with PApplet. No worry, I found some suggestions using a processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT object to get access to the Frame. Great.
I’d rather not convert my project to P5.js or go back to Processing 2. Any idea on how to make it work? Could I use an external Java library like JWinPointer and if yes then how?
To run it I’ve had to copy (not move !) javafx.base.jar and javafx.graphics.jar from C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\Processing\libraries\javafx\library\windows-amd64\modules\ to C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\Processing\libraries\javafx\library\
Good news is it finally runs, bad news is INPUT_TOUCH and INPUT_MULTITOUCH are disabled. The mouse events are detected but the touch events are not, or to be more precise they are detected as mouse events, which don’t handle multi-touch.
Can I enable ConditionalFeature.INPUT_TOUCH with javafx?