MCQ screen and get the questions and answers one by one (multiple choice quiz)

Hi guys , I have made a board game and i want to get Questions and answers as MCQ’s . I have made a list but when i run my boardgame it shows all the questions and answers . i want it to show me ONE question AND answer from the list , can someone help me plz?

this is my list
pythonQuestions = [
pythonFixOne , pythonFixTwo, pythonFixThree, pythonFixFour, pythonFixFive,
pythonFillOne, pythonFillTwo, pythonFillThree, pythonFillFour, pythonFillFive,
pythonStateOne, pythonStateTwo, pythonStateThree, pythonStateFour, pythonStateFive,
pythonAnswerOne, pythonAnswerTwo, pythonAnswerThree, pythonAnswerFour, pythonAnswerFive
    if questionScreen:
        fill(255, 255, 255)
        rect(1030, 25, 370, 600)
        text(str(pythonQuestions), 1030, 25, 370, 600)

Would it help to use a 2D-list? A list of lists? Something like:

# this is my list
pythonQuestions = [
 [pythonFixOne, pythonFillOne, pythonStateOne, pythonAnswerOne], 
 [pythonFixTwo, pythonFillTwo, pythonStateTwo, pythonAnswerTwo], 

# print question 1, pythonFixOne
# print question 1, pythonFillOne
# print question 2, pythonFixTwo

In pythonQuestions[0][0], the first zero retrieves the first element in the list ([pythonFixOne, pythonFillOne, pythonStateOne, pythonAnswerOne]), and the second zero retrieves the first element in that (pythonFixOne).