Mac OS X: How to view exceptions thrown by exported app?

Is there a way for Mac OS X users of an exported Processing 3 app to view the text of non-fatal exceptions (those messages that normally appear in red in the Processing editor)?

  • I’ve tried to enable logging/console in the Java 8 preferences - no effect (no console popping up)
  • I’ve tried to start the app via a terminal (open -a appname) - no output
  • I don’t see those messages in the Mac OS system log viewer

Can you post some example code that throws the exception you’re trying to view?

This was a general question, I don’t care about specific cases, but if you need one: SaveStrings() and no permission to write to the path. If the error message that is normally printed by Processing (not necessarily ending execution) ends up in some Java or Mac OS X log, I’d like to know where.