Working on a project using the “Bookmania” font. It is an .otf font and I am on Windows 10 using Processing 3. For whatever reason it works fine on Mac OSX…
When I run the code to printArray all of the fonts it is listed as “Bookmania-Regular”. However, when I run it the terminal says it is not found and will use another instead.
Is this to be expected?
I even included the file in the data folder.
Any work arounds here?
Thank you for any tips!
PFont myFont;
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
// Uncomment the following two lines to see the available fonts
//String[] fontList = PFont.list();
myFont = createFont(“Bookmania-Regular”, 32);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("!@#$%", width/2, height/2);