Is Python mode's aplication export not working at all?

I’ve found some other forum posts (on github and StackOverflow) talking about an issue being resolved in Beta 7(although not sure what that means), but it seems to be referring to Java mode. Wondering if it is still possible at all to export application using python mode.

I’ve tried downloading previous editor versions and even some legacy python mode installs I had but nothing seems to be working - really wanted to send an EXE of my game to a friend.

Included a ss of the error message I get when trying to export any application on python mode. Wondering if there’s a fix/ if a fix is being worked on?

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I got it to work using Processing version 3.5.4. Otherwise you may need to switch to py5 in Thonny editor and then use something like py2app.


I’m afraid Processing Python mode export stopped working even on 3.5.4 on some platforms. And Python mode on Processing 4 in my experience is broken in general (as expected, I suppose, because it is no longer maintained and the update to Processing 4 was never fully completed).

If you move to py5 (which I did), “exporting an executable” should be feasible with pyinstaller as decribed at How to Create PyInstaller Packages — py5 documentation