Introducing kids/teens to programming using p5.js

Hi !
I’m planning to use p5.js (through the excellent web editor) to teach kids/teens basis of programming at the Ubuntu Party ( in Paris. I’m going to hold a workshop, as well as a continuous stand during the whole week-end.
That’s not my first time holding a workshop, but it is my first time holding one about p5.js, so if you had any advice or tips, that would be greatly appreciated !
Thanks !

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This is a great initiative that you are doing. Make sure to have them play around with the open processing website as well. They can share and modify each other’s sketches. -

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I congratulate you for this initiative! p5.js is excellent for introducing kids/teens to programming via game building and creative programming. I want to also highlight you a p5.js based playground.

This is a super late response but I’m going to add a note here for future searchers of these terms. Khan Academy has an excellent free online program that uses p5 for kids:

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Yeah a big fan of the Khan Academy course. It uses processing.js but its is a easy switch to p5.js whenever.