I need help for a school project

Hi guys,

For my school project we have to do an assignment with the processing program. I have made two things but I want to combine them but I’m not advanced enough to do so since I’ve just started a few weeks ago.

This is my first code:

static final int NUM_LINES = 10;
float t;

void setup() {

void draw() {
  stroke(100, 10, 100);
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i++) {
  line(x1(t+i), y1(t+i), x2(t+i), y2(t+i));
  t += 0.7;
float x1(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 100 + sin(t / 5) * 20;
float y1(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10)  * 100 ;
 float x2(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 200 + sin(t) * 2;
float y2(float t) {
  return cos(t / 20)  * 200 + cos(t / 12) * 20;

I want to combine this code with a bouncing ball that I’ve also made:

float x = 400;
float y = 300;

float xSpeed = 5;
float ySpeed = 5;
void setup () {

void draw () {
  x += xSpeed;
 if (x > width || x < 0) {
   xSpeed *= -1;
  y += ySpeed;
 if (y > height || y < 0) {
   ySpeed *= -1;
 ellipse(x,y,50,50 );

Is this possible??? Please help me hahaha I don’t know what to do. And besides, can I also combine the first code with itself? So that I have that one two times in the same code but a bit different.

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you can merge the 2 codes.

  • make sure you have only one setup and one draw (and in setup only one size and in draw only one background)

  • before setup have the global vars of both sketches.



But which part of the code should I copy then? because I get errors with everything I try…

Well one function setup

One draw with elements from previous draw 1 and previous draw 2 together in one function draw()

The the other functions like x1, y1…

Place brackets correctly

Show your attempt of the new merged sketch

i would come up with something like this:

static final int NUM_LINES = 10;
float t;
PImage img;
float xSpeed = 5;
float ySpeed = 5;

void setup() {

void draw() {
  img = loadImage("finland.jpg");
  stroke(0, random(200), random(50));
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i++) {
  line(x1(t+i), y1(t+i), x2(t+i), y2(t+i));
  t += 0.7;
float x1(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 100 + sin(t / 5) * 20;
float y1(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10)  * 100 ;
 float x2(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 200 + sin(t) * 2;
float y2(float t) {
  return cos(t / 20)  * 200 + cos(t / 12) * 20;
**x += xSpeed;**
if (x > width || x < 0) {
xSpeed *= -1;

y += ySpeed;
if (y > height || y < 0) {
ySpeed *= -1;

ellipse(x,y,50,50 );

but it get troubles with the xspeed

All this belongs in draw

You copied it wrong

See your 2nd initial sketch

Also hit ctrl-t to get better indents

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static final int NUM_LINES = 10;
float t;
PImage img;
float xSpeed = 5;
float ySpeed = 5;

void setup() {
  size(800, 600);

void draw() {
  img = loadImage("finland.jpg");
  stroke(0, random(200), random(50));
  x += xSpeed;
  if (x > width || x < 0) {
    xSpeed *= -1;

  y += ySpeed;
  if (y > height || y < 0) {
    ySpeed *= -1;

  ellipse(x, y, 50, 50 );

translate(width/2, height/2);

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; i++) {
  line(x1(t+i), y1(t+i), x2(t+i), y2(t+i));

t += 0.7;

float x1(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 100 + sin(t / 5) * 20;

float y1(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 100 ;

float x2(float t) {
  return sin(t / 10) * 200 + sin(t) * 2;

float y2(float t) {
  return cos(t / 20) * 200 + cos(t / 12) * 20;

okay so i put the small part below draw but then i get the error that i’m mixing static and active mode

You want to get rid of this }

okay that helps but then again the xSpeed is the problem. It says : ‘x cannot be resolved to a variable’.

Yes you forgot these lines from the initial sketch

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yes it workss!! thank you!! is it also possible to then add another line? The first part from the initial code but then with different values vor x1 etc

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Of course it’s possible