How to use Visual Studio Code with Processing 3

If you are stuck at step 1 because you do not see the Tools -> Install “processing-java” menu item, this video is what did it for me:

Essentially, I had to manually add processing to the PATH environment variable (the part from 3:27 to 4:56 in the video above)

In a nutshell

  1. Look up where processing is installed and copy the path
  2. Open the system settings and search for “advanced system settings”
  3. Click on “Environment Variables…”
  4. In “user variables for {yourName}” double click the line that says “Path”
  5. Click on “New” and paste the path where Processing is located. It should look something like the screenshot below

  1. Follow the rest of the steps in @michaelPaulukonis’ post above and you should have a working setup

That’s right. The Processing compiler (whether the IDE command line) concatenates the sketch tabs into one file. The folder name is the sketch name, and the corresponding tab name (which must match) is the first tab concatenated is the first file concatonated – the entrypoint, like “main()”.

You can test this by creating a named sketch Test, leaving the first tab Test.pde entirely empty, and creating a second tab Tab.pde with code: println("hello world");

The sketch compiles and runs – it requires that same-named pde file, but doesn’t require anything in it. The same applies to draw(), setup(), et cetera – you may put them all in Tab.pde, so long as the required same-named pde file exists.