Hi all,
I am trying to make a simple game involving legos. The premise is the user presses ‘d’ to add legos and can click on them to move them around. On hovering over a lego, it changes color, and on click, the lego follows the mouse. Upon a second click, the lego is again placed. Right now, when I add only one lego, the code works fine. However, when I add more than one lego and I click on one, I grab all the legos… not just the one I clicked on. How would I only grab the one I am hovering over? I would really appreciate any help you can provide me with. Thanks!
boolean isDragging = false;
public void mouseClicked() {
if (mode == 1) { //mode 1 is toyInteraction
isDragging = !isDragging;
private void toyInteraction() {
//call hoverLego, for each loop
for (Lego lg : Legos) {
if (lg.hoverLego()) {
fill(255); //lego color, stroke color and weight, all when legoHover is true
if (isDragging == true) {
//println("is dragging");
lg.x = mouseX-lg.w/2;
lg.y = mouseY-lg.h/2;
boolean hoverLego() {
if ((x+w > mouseX && mouseX > x) && (y < mouseY && mouseY < y+h)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//return false; //regardless of for loop, still false