I’m trying to work on adding more textures to my work.
I’d like to understand how this type of texture can be achieved.
Thanks for your help.
Start here:
reference | p5.jshttps://p5js.org/reference/#/p5.Image/pixels
You will have to create a random color in the inner loop:
Try this directly in the references:
You can edit and run the code in the references!
You may need to put some code in setup() to run in the p5.js editor.
Integrate it with this:
And voila!
You will have to explore color
and random()
to achieve what you want.
Thank you very much for your detailed feedback.
this is exactly the result I was trying to achieve!
To build on top of @glv’s answer, you can use a gaussian distribution to control the outcome:
float sd = 0.3;
float mean = 0.5;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
for(int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
float grey = (randomGaussian() * sd) + mean; // value between 0 and 1 (they can be higher or lower but are expected to be between 0 and 1)
pixels[i] = color(255 * grey);
If you increase the standard deviation (sd) you increase the contrast and vice versa.
The mean value control the general darkness/brightness of the outcome.
Some exemples:
mean:0.5, sd:0.33
mean:0.5, sd:0.02
mean:0.8, sd:0.02
EDIT: I did not see you were working on p5.js. Here’s the code sample from above for p5.js:
let sd = 0.3;
let mean = 0.5;
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500);
for(let i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
let grey = (randomGaussian() * sd) + mean;
pixels[i] = 255 * grey;
pixels[i+1] = 255 * grey;
pixels[i+2] = 255 * grey;
pixels[i+3] = 255;