How to get array.length after calculating greater(less) than?

Alright, so i have numbers that i need to calculate in this code. And i need to calculate all the array numbers above 5.5 and set them into a .length so i can calculate the amount of sufficient scores. I also need to do this in the opposite. My attempt at the second tab is shown below with a method called geefAantalVoldoendes.

I can’t wrap my head around this.

Also i would appreciate feedback on the code so i can improve and understand what you would do or what would be the better practice.

ALSO! Thank god for Open Draft on this forum. I made a bunch of code and the power just shorted - lost almost everything but the forum function actually saved my code, lol.

Main tab

String bestand = "cijfers_klein.txt";
//String bestandGroot = "cijfers_groot.txt";

void setup() {
  size(600, 400);
  float[] cijfers = laadCijfers(bestand);
  int arrayLength = geefAantal(cijfers);
  float arrayHoogste = geefHoogste(cijfers);
  float arrayLaagste = geefLaagste(cijfers);
  float arrayGemiddelde = geefGemiddelde(cijfers);
  int voldoendes = geefAantalVoldoendes(cijfers);

Second tab


float[] laadCijfers(String bestand) {
  float[] cijfers = float(loadStrings(bestand));
  return cijfers;

static final int geefAantal(float[] laadArray) { 
  int cijfer = laadArray.length;
  println("Print aantal cijfers: "+cijfer);
  return int(cijfer);

float geefHoogste(float[] laadArray) { 
  float cijfer = laadArray[0]; 
  for (int i = 1; i < laadArray.length; i++) { 
    if (laadArray[i] > cijfer) { 
      cijfer = laadArray[i];
  println("Print hoogste cijfer: "+cijfer);
  return cijfer;

float geefLaagste(float[] laadArray) { 
  float cijfer = laadArray[0]; 
  for (int i = 1; i < laadArray.length; i++) { 
    if (laadArray[i] < cijfer) { 
      cijfer = laadArray[i];
  println("Print laagste cijfer: "+cijfer);
  return cijfer;

float geefGemiddelde(float[] laadArray) {
  float cijfer = laadArray[0];
  for (int i = 1; i < laadArray.length; i++) { 
    cijfer += laadArray[i];
  cijfer /= laadArray.length;
  println("Print gemiddelde cijfer: "+nf(cijfer, 1, 1));
  return cijfer;

/*Voldoende is alles boven 5.5; dus GETAL >= 5.5 == voldoende.
 - print lengte - alleen alles boven 5.5
static final int geefAantalVoldoendes(float[] laadArray) {
  float cijfer = laadArray[0];
  float voldoende = 5.5;
  for (final int i = 1; i < laadArray.length; i++) {
    cijfer = laadArray[i];
    if (cijfer >= voldoende) {

return int(cijfer);

@SafeVarargs static final int geefAantalVoldoendes(
  final float voldoende, final float... laadArray) {
  int counter = 0;
  if (laadArray != null && laadArray.length > 0)
    for (final float f : laadArray)  if (f >= voldoende)  ++counter;
  return counter;
1 Like

Just by reading the code i actually understand it. Man i’ve been thinking too hard about it haha.
Thanks @GoToLoop i really appreciate it, you guys are awesome. I’ve found this code on the forum before (or the old forum) by googling, but i couldn’t understand the code. Now that you’ve adjusted it to my code i actually understand it. I also didn’t know about the ?: operator that you can use it as an else.