How to create infinite zoom with image mosaic

Hello everyone, I am new with the Processing language. I am trying to make processing animation with infinite zoom of image mosaic. I saw a discussion about this in the discourse processing foundation titled as “2001 A Space Odyssey” and got inspired from there to try this.

Here is a link to that discussion :

So far, I have only been able to create a program that takes about 120 dummy images and makes a mosaic of one main image and I scaled it by using the scale() function. But as the scaling gets bigger the dummy images seem to become very vague. I tried to resolve that by updating my setup function by creating a new function called update_setup() so that each time I scale up my sketch it makes the dummy images dimensions bigger proportional to the scaling value and then calls update_setup() to set everything fresh for the upcoming frame .But it was taking too long to execute so I had to terminate the program.

So ,I am asking for suggestions about this idea .

1.How can I scale up my sketch without losing the sharpness of each dummy image and then make the dummy image a mosaic of the other images?.
2.Should I make a different class which will create a mosaic image object ?
3.How to make it recursive?

Thanks in advance.

Here is my code

` 1. //the array with other images or the bulidnig blocks of the main image

 * PImage[] temp=new PImage[110];

 * //the main image

2. PImage mainimg,template;

3. int a=2;

4. int w,h,s;

5. float r=0,scl=0,scl1=0;

 * //this array  stores the average brightness of each image of the images[] array

6. float[] brightness=new float[temp.length];

7. float[] colour=new float[temp.length];

8. //this array stores the differect of brightness between each  pixel of the main image and each image of the images[] array

9. float[] check=new float[brightness.length];

10. File[] files=listFiles(sketchPath("Abrar"));

11. void setup()

12. {

* size(780,900,P2D);

13. smooth();

* File[] files=listFiles(sketchPath("Abrar"));

14. //printArray(files);

15. //fullScreen();

16. w=width/a;

17. h=height/a;

18. mainimg=loadImage("20191012_114209.jpg");

19. template=createImage(w,h,RGB);

20. template.copy(mainimg,0,0,mainimg.width,mainimg.height,0,0,w,h);

* //this section loads a image in the images[] array and makes a copy of it and stores it in the temp[] array

21. //thes section also determines the average brightness/color of each image and stores the value in the brightness[] array

22. for(int i=0;i<temp.length;i++)

23. {

24. String filename=files[i].toString();

25. PImage big=loadImage(filename);

26. temp[i]=createImage(a,a,RGB);

27. temp[i].copy(big,0,0,big.width,big.height,0,0,a,a);

28. //brightness[i]=bright(temp[i]);

29. colour[i]=bright(temp[i]);

30. //println(brightness[i]);

31. }

32. }

 * void draw()

33. {

34. background(0);

35. //pushMatrix();

36. translate(width/2,height/2+100);

37. scale(scl);

38. scl=scl+.1;

39. //a=a+10;

40. //update_setup(a);

41. translate(-width/2,-height/2-100);

42. //popMatrix();

* for(int y=0;y<h;y++)

43. {

44. for(int x=0;x<w;x++)

45. {

46. int index=x+y*w;

47. int indicator=0;

48. //determining the brightness of each pixel of the main image

49. //float b1=brightness(template.pixels[index]);

50. color c=template.pixels[index];

51. for(int i=0;i<brightness.length;i++)

52. {

53. //check[i]=abs(brightness[i]-b1);

54. check[i]=abs(colour[i]-c);

* }

55. //displaying the most suitable image to the pixels index in terms of brightness

56. indicator=minimum(check);

* pushMatrix();

57. translate(x*a,y*a);

* image(temp[indicator],0,0,a,a);

58. popMatrix();

* }

59. }

* }

 * //determining average brightness/color of each image

60. float bright(PImage pic)

61. {

62. float b=0,c=0;

 * for(int i=0;i<a;i++)

63. {

64. for(int j=0;j<a;j++)

65. {

66. int index=i+j*a;

67. //b=b+ brightness(pic.pixels[index]);

68. c=c+color(pic.pixels[index]);

69. }

70. }

71. return c/(a*a);

72. }

  * //determing which temp image's average brightness is closest to the main image's that pixel's brightness

73. // or finding the most suitable image to the pixels index in terms of brightness

74. int minimum(float[] a)

75. {

76. float min=a[0];

77. int d=0;

78. for(int i=0;i<check.length;i++)

79. {

80. if(check[i]<min)

81. {

82. min=check[i];

83. d=i;

84. }

85. }

86. //println("the minimim is ",min,d);

87. return d;//dth image of the temp arry has the closest average brightness

88. }

 * //saving the image as a jpg file when key 's' is pressed

89. void keyPressed()

90. {

91. if(key=='s')

92. save("new"+s+".jpg");

93. }


94. void update_setup(int a)

95. {

96. File[] files=listFiles(sketchPath("Abrar"));

97. //printArray(files);

98. //fullScreen();

99. w=width/a;

100. h=height/a;

101. //mainimg=loadImage("20191012_114209.jpg");

102. //template=createImage(w,h,RGB);

103. //template.copy(mainimg,0,0,mainimg.width,mainimg.height,0,0,w,h);

* //this section loads a image in the images[] array and makes a copy of it and stores it in the temp[] array

104. //thes section also determines the average brightness/color of each image and stores the value in the brightness[] array

105. for(int i=0;i<temp.length;i++)

106. {

107. String filename=files[i].toString();

108. PImage big=loadImage(filename);

109. temp[i]=createImage(a,a,RGB);

110. temp[i].copy(big,0,0,big.width,big.height,0,0,a,a);

111. //brightness[i]=bright(temp[i]);

112. colour[i]=bright(temp[i]);

113. //println(brightness[i]);

114. }

115. }

  * File[] listFiles(String dir) {

116. File file = new File(dir);

117. if (file.isDirectory()) {

118. File[] files = file.listFiles();

119. return files;

120. } else {

121. // If it's not a directory

122. return null;

123. }

124. }`