I really like having a jar with the sources so I can jump to the code.
However, I can’t just get it done, and the last one on maven that has sources is really outdated.
Here more about it:
someone please help.
I really like having a jar with the sources so I can jump to the code.
However, I can’t just get it done, and the last one on maven that has sources is really outdated.
Here more about it:
someone please help.
There is a link on this page:
And links to this:
I have modified Processing in the past to make it “portable”.
I finally got it:
In processing/core/build.xml
Change the last target to:
<target name="build" depends="compile" description="Build core library">
<jar basedir="bin" destfile="library/core.jar">
<jar basedir="bin" destfile="library/core-sources.jar">
<fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.java"/>