@GoToLoop – Sorry for the lag in checking this, I didn’t get an email notification of your reply…
Thanks for the updated snippet – which looks closer to my needs, however when I try it out, I’m getting the following error that’s over my head on the attempt to Override the draw_character()
The method draw_character(int) of type hershey_font_test_override.MyOwnHersheyFont must override or implement a supertype method
Perhaps since both libs are GNU – it’s simplest to just embed the lib/class and modify for my purpose (with proper attribution). Nevertheless, still curious of how it would work in Java to add onto imported lib while making reference to another lib.
Here’s the complete code that I’m testing out. This has a copy + paste of the library (which isn’t too large of a class) – at the bottom of the code (instead of importing library, commented out) so I could add two functions (Hershey Fonts found here):
import xyscope.*;
XYscope xy;
import ddf.minim.*;
//import de.ixdhof.hershey.*;
HersheyFont hf;
String txt = "hello";
void setup() {
size(500, 500, P3D);
xy = new XYscope(this);
hf = new HersheyFont(this, "meteorology.jhf");
void draw() {
// draw via custom override of Hershey Font lib:
hf.textXY(txt, mouseX, mouseY); // custom version of hf.text() below
// draw via grabbing the shape from Hershey Font lib:
translate(width/2, height/2);
PShape f = hf.getShape(txt);
int children = f.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < children; i++) {
PShape child = f.getChild(i);
int total = child.getVertexCount();
for (int j = 0; j < total; j+=2) {
PVector v = child.getVertex(j);
PVector v2 = child.getVertex(j+1);
xy.line(v.x, v.y, v2.x, v2.y);
xy.drawWaveform(); // wavetable
xy.drawXY(); // scope viewer
void keyPressed() {
if (keyCode >= 32 && keyCode <= 90) {
txt += key + "";
if (keyCode == 8) {
txt = "";
public class HersheyFont {
// myParent is a reference to the parent sketch
PApplet parent;
public final static String VERSION = "1.0.0";
* a Constructor, usually called in the setup() method in your sketch to
* initialize and start the library.
* @example Hello
* @param theParent
String hershey_font[];
int hheight = 21;
float hfactor = 1;
public HersheyFont(PApplet theParent, String fontfile) {
parent = theParent;
System.out.println("HersheyFont 1.0.0 by Michael Zšllner http://ixd-hof.de");
String [] hershey_font_org;
//if (fontfile.indexOf(".jhf") != -1)
hershey_font_org = parent.loadStrings(fontfile);
String hershey_font_string = "";
for (int i=0; i<hershey_font_org.length; i++)
String line = hershey_font_org[i].trim();
if (line.charAt(0) >= 48 && line.charAt(0) <= 57)
hershey_font_string += line + "\n";
hershey_font_string = hershey_font_string.substring(0, hershey_font_string.length()-1) + line + "\n";
hershey_font = hershey_font_string.split("\n");
public void textSize(float size)
hfactor = size/hheight;
public PShape getShape(String s)
int swidth = 0;
for (int i=0; i<s.length (); i++)
swidth += get_character_width(s.charAt(i));
float pos_x = 0;
PShape sh = parent.createShape(parent.GROUP);
for (int ss=0; ss<s.length (); ss++)
PShape shc = parent.createShape();
char c = s.charAt(ss);
String h = hershey_font[c - 32 ];
int start_col = h.indexOf(" ");
int vertices_length = Integer.parseInt(h.substring(start_col+1, start_col+3).trim());
int h_left = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+3));
int h_right = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+4));
float h_width = h_right - h_left * hfactor;
String[] h_vertices = h.substring(start_col+5, h.length()).replaceAll(" R", " ").split(" ");
for (int i=0; i<h_vertices.length; i++)
for (int j=2; j<h_vertices[i].length (); j+=2)
float hx0 = pos_x + hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j-2)) * hfactor;
float hy0 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j-1)) * hfactor;
shc.vertex(hx0, hy0);
float hx1 = pos_x + hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j)) * hfactor;
float hy1 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j+1)) * hfactor;
shc.vertex(hx1, hy1);
pos_x += h_width + 5 * hfactor;
return sh;
public void text(String s, int x, int y)
parent.translate(x, y);
for (int i=0; i<s.length (); i++)
public void textXY(String s, int x, int y)
parent.translate(x, y);
for (int i=0; i<s.length (); i++)
draw_character_xy(s.charAt(i)); // custom drawChar for XYscope
private float get_character_width(int c)
String h = hershey_font[c - 32 ];
int start_col = h.indexOf(" ");
int vertices_length = Integer.parseInt(h.substring(start_col+1, start_col+3).trim());
int h_left = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+3));
int h_right = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+4));
float h_width = h_right - h_left * hfactor;
return h_width;
private void draw_character(int c)
int max_y = -1000;
int min_y = 1000;
String h = hershey_font[c - 32 ];
int start_col = h.indexOf(" ");
int vertices_length = Integer.parseInt(h.substring(start_col+1, start_col+3).trim());
int h_left = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+3));
int h_right = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+4));
float h_width = h_right - h_left * hfactor;
String[] h_vertices = h.substring(start_col+5, h.length()).replaceAll(" R", " ").split(" ");
for (int i=0; i<h_vertices.length; i++)
for (int j=2; j<h_vertices[i].length (); j+=2)
float hx0 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j-2)) * hfactor;
float hy0 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j-1)) * hfactor;
parent.vertex(hx0, hy0);
float hx1 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j)) * hfactor;
float hy1 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j+1)) * hfactor;
parent.vertex(hx1, hy1);
parent.translate(h_width + 5 * hfactor, 0);
// custom version for XYscope
private void draw_character_xy(int c)
int max_y = -1000;
int min_y = 1000;
String h = hershey_font[c - 32 ];
int start_col = h.indexOf(" ");
int vertices_length = Integer.parseInt(h.substring(start_col+1, start_col+3).trim());
int h_left = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+3));
int h_right = hershey2coord(h.charAt(start_col+4));
float h_width = h_right - h_left * hfactor;
String[] h_vertices = h.substring(start_col+5, h.length()).replaceAll(" R", " ").split(" ");
for (int i=0; i<h_vertices.length; i++)
xy.beginShape(); // parent.LINES
for (int j=2; j<h_vertices[i].length (); j+=2)
float hx0 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j-2)) * hfactor;
float hy0 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j-1)) * hfactor;
xy.vertex(hx0, hy0);
float hx1 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j)) * hfactor;
float hy1 = hershey2coord(h_vertices[i].charAt(j+1)) * hfactor;
xy.vertex(hx1, hy1);
parent.translate(h_width + 5 * hfactor, 0);
private int hershey2coord(char c)
return c - 'R';
private int hershey2int(char c)
return c;