Hi kfrajer,
I used the console.log() as you suggested in the other forum. It shows the correct value, and the button also works fine.
My code is the following:
let lim = 2.5;
let button;
let inpRe;
let inpIm;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
inpRe = createInput('x');
inpIm = createInput('y');
inpRe.position(60, 420);
inpIm.position(60, 445);
button = createButton('Submit');
button.position(inpIm.x + inpIm.width+10, inpIm.y);
realImput = createElement('h2', 'Re:');
realImput.position(20, 395);
imaginaryImput = createElement('h2', 'Im:');
imaginaryImput.position(20, 420);
function Re(x, y){
return inpRe.value(); // Here I had: x*x-y*y;
function Im(x, y){
return inpIm.value(); // Here I had: x*y;
function draw() {
for (let xp = 0; xp < width; xp++) {
for (let yp = 0; yp < height; yp++) {
let x, y;
x = map(xp, 0, width, -lim, lim);
y = map(yp, height, 0, -lim, lim);
let z = new p5.Vector(0,0);
let nextz = new p5.Vector();
nextz.x = Re(,x, y);
nextz.y = Im(x, y);
z = new p5.Vector(z.x + nextz.x, z.y + nextz.y);
let h = map(atan2(-z.y, -z.x), -PI, PI, 0, 360);
let s = sqrt(abs( 3*sin( 2* PI * (log(sqrt( z.x*z.x + z.y*z.y ))/log(2) - floor( log(sqrt( z.x*z.x + z.y*z.y ))/log(2) )) )));
let s2 = map(s, 0, 1, 0, 100);
let b = sqrt(sqrt(abs( sin(2 * PI * z.y) * sin(2 * PI * z.x) )));
let b2 = 0.5 * ((1 - s) + b + sqrt((1 - s - b) * (1 - s - b) + 0.01));
let b3 = map(b2, 0, 1, 0, 100);
set(xp, yp, color(h, s2, b3));