How Big is Processing?

Preparing the PCD @ Reunion I would like to give an idea to the attendees of how big Processing has become

Anyone know where to find those info ?
And ther answers to those question ?

UPDATED Since some of you came with cool answers, I’m going to post the state of this post up top, and I’ll try to update if more info comes

Number of downloads: –
Peak Daily Active Users: 275 000 ***

Number of contributors: 883 ***
Number of Studio Members: 21 ***
Number of Educational Institutions Members: 8 ***

Number of Schools / Universities using it: –
Number of countries where it is teached: –

Number of plateforms that are supported 5 ( Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Raspberry)
Number of languages > 7 (java, javascript, python, R, REPL, Ruby, CoffeeScript …)* / **
Number of books > 30 (
Number of dedicated YouTube tutorials: >1000 *
Number of dedicated WebSites: > 15 *

I think the Number of Downloads and Number of Schools / Universities using it
as well as Number of countries where it is teached
could be very significant numbers, If anyone has them, please share.

Also, you guys pointed out that it is diificult to get very precise numbers and really accurate mesures.
I hear that but I also think the point here is more to get an idea of “the scale” of the project and its impact rather than exact metrics for each parameters.

Of course if anyone would come with the exact numbers, I’ll be glade to share.
This post could even be a ref for the Processing Wikipedia entry ^^

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Cool, we are getting some infos here
If you have more, please post :slight_smile:

Number of downloads: –
Peak Daily Active Users: 275 000

Number of contributors: 883
Number of Studio Members: 21
Number of Educational Institutions Members: 8

Number of Schools / Universities using it: –
Number of countries where is is teached: –

Number of plateforms that are supported 5 ( Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Raspberry)
Number of languages > 4 (java, javascript, python, R, …)
Number of books > 30 (
Number of dedicated YouTube tutorials: –
Number of dedicated WebSites: –

1 Like

Hi @phoebus,

I think it’s worth mentionning there’s also a Ruby implementation (not official) of Processing, initially created by Jeremy Ashkenas and updated by @monkstone. Current version is JRubyArt.

Also, it would be interesting to give some context: “Big” compared to what ? (other softwares or frameworks). “Big” in what field (game, graphic design, data visualisation, architecture, science projects, …) ?

Some questions are difficult to answer:

  • The list of the books is not comprehensive and it might be difficult to keep trace of all the publications related to the Processing environment (teaching books, magazines, design-oriented publications, …)

  • The number of schools using Processing may change in time or depending on the focus put on some projects (I’ve seen engineering teachers switching from Processing to OpenFrameworks and vice-versa / renown architecture school like the AA, the Barlett, the IAAC or the ENPC still teach Processing but have tend to favor node-based interfaces like Grasshopper of even Houdini in the recent years)

  • The number of workshops held by cultural institutions and associations (or during festivals) across the globe would probably be more representative of the real interest in Processing but it’s another figure that’s hard to get a hold of. Maybe check websites like
    (“over 30 OpenFrameworks groups with 13748 members near you” VS “over 50 Processing groups with 29246 members near you”)

Lastly, I think there are many ways to gauge the “importance” of something and using figures is only one of them. (ex: OpenFrameworks is supported by some renown cultural institutions and thus benefit from their prestige. The Processing Foundation is a fervent advocate for inclusivity and thus probably have a greater impact on marginalized communities)


It might make sense to describe the number of language modes – 7 distributed through Contributions Manager in the Modes tab:

  • Android
  • CoffeeScript
  • JavaScript / processing.js
  • p5.js
  • Python (
  • R
  • REPL

…and an eighth, Ruby (JRubyArt). In addition, there is p5py, which is “inspired by” Processing.

RE: Number of dedicated WebSites

This is a bit tricky. It depends on if you count subdomains for mode, or landing pages for different libraries, if you count book sites, if you count course websites (either university courses or online learning courses), if you count the forum as a separate “site” from, or if you count the web editor as “separate” from, etc. What about artist portfolio websites with sketches, or library developer homepages? What about an influential, high-traffic YouTube channel? Is it a “site”?

So, to start with the core domain:

and a few disparate examples:

Approximating the number of video tutorials is also tough – what counts as a tutorial? The Coding Train has 902 videos right now – some of which are not tutorials (like the music video).

Searching for explicit naming of major modes gets about 72,000 results – although some are demos and not tutorials, some are false hits, and some are missing because they only mention “Processing” (which is almost impossible to search for on its own):“”+|+“p5.js”+|+“”+|+“JRubyArt”&oq=“”+|+“p5.js”+|+“”+|+“JRubyArt”


the SITE ADMIN might have hidden HIT ( visit ( by unique IP? )) COUNTERs

sadly that is not shown online

for the forum we have only the user database
( related to registered and login users only / would be nice to know the visitors too )
but that is shown as sort-able database
a export ( today ) to spreadsheet example shows:

last month only.

768 user login/visited on 3124 days ( of last month )
made 367 topics with 1536 replies