Preparing the PCD @ Reunion I would like to give an idea to the attendees of how big Processing has become
Anyone know where to find those info ?
And ther answers to those question ?
UPDATED Since some of you came with cool answers, I’m going to post the state of this post up top, and I’ll try to update if more info comes
Number of downloads: –
Peak Daily Active Users: 275 000 ***
Number of contributors: 883 ***
Number of Studio Members: 21 ***
Number of Educational Institutions Members: 8 ***
Number of Schools / Universities using it: –
Number of countries where it is teached: –
Number of plateforms that are supported 5 ( Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Raspberry)
Number of languages > 7 (java, javascript, python, R, REPL, Ruby, CoffeeScript …)* / **
Number of books > 30 (https://processing.org/books/)
Number of dedicated YouTube tutorials: >1000 *
Number of dedicated WebSites: > 15 *
I think the Number of Downloads and Number of Schools / Universities using it
as well as Number of countries where it is teached
could be very significant numbers, If anyone has them, please share.
Also, you guys pointed out that it is diificult to get very precise numbers and really accurate mesures.
I hear that but I also think the point here is more to get an idea of “the scale” of the project and its impact rather than exact metrics for each parameters.
Of course if anyone would come with the exact numbers, I’ll be glade to share.
This post could even be a ref for the Processing Wikipedia entry ^^
- see @jeremydouglass ** see @solub ***@kll