Please can you outline more specifically the desired effect you want?
In your diagram it looks like you want the left side and right side to move up and down independent of each other?
And you want the entire window to move back and forth?
Please confirm if this is correct OR you want something different…
Also, it appears all of your variables are not being used, and I assume this is intentional?
ciao, ti ringrazio per avermi risposto.
Si esatto le due linee in orizzontale che si muovano su e giù in autonomia e quella centrale anche a destra e a sinistra.
Così come ho rappresentato io.
Si le variabili per ora non sono ancora utilizzate, corretto.
Yes, I understand the code for the other two up-down movements are missing.
BUT I think it will be easier for you if you solve the up-down movement first and then after that the left-right movement.
Once you solve the left side up-down, it will be very easy to apply to the right side up-down with minor adjustment(s).
Then the overall left-right (x variable) movement can be applied.
You will need to make your y variable your primary variable. Currently your x variable is primary. For example, instead of:
To start, change to:
float y_move = 0.0;
float y_moveNext = 0.0;
and then apply the same thinking you did with your previous code.
And of course, you will need to revise your other variables as needed because your primary reference is now y and not x.
This is just my approach, someone else may have another opinion that is equally valid of course…
ma nell’esempio che mi hai mandato adesso abbastanza, a me serve che le linee si muovano in corrispondenza dei rect().
Nel tuo esempio ha creato lo stroke() ai rect() ma non le linee