Hi @cupko24, can you please provide a short example of the code you’re running that produces this error? And, what operating system are you using? Thanks!
other things in the code are not necessary so i cutted this out, to make sense. I just started universitz and we had to make anz animation, so I decided to make a tank which is shooting with sound.
error or report is this “sep 12, 2018 10:45:39 PM com.jsyn.devices.javasound.JavaSoundAudioDevice
INFO: JSyn: default output latency set to 80 msec for Windows 7
sep 12, 2018 10:45:39 PM com.jsyn.engine.SynthesisEngine start
INFO: Pure Java JSyn from softsynth, rate = 44100, RT, V16.8.0 (build 463, 2017-10-16)”
Got it. One thing I notice is that the code is loading/re-reading the sound file many times when a key is pressed because file = new SoundFile(this, "tank shot.wav"); is in draw. You’ll want to move this to setup so it’s only loaded once at the beginning of your sketch. You can just keep the part that plays the sound in draw–you might need a few other adjustments to get it to sound right, but I’ll let you work through that.
I am also getting this INFO message but was wondering how I might reduce this latency? I imagine I might have to get into the JSyn driver but not sure what I’d have to modify.