Having problems with buttons/sound on cellphone

Hello everyone,
fist timer here so sorry if I am making a mess of this post: I’ve created this really simple page with three buttons: track 1, track 2 and STOP.
Track 1 - plays track 1 (and stops track 2 if it’s playing)
Track 2 - plays track 2 ( and stops track 1 if it’s playing)
STOP is pretty obvious
The buttons all function as they should on my laptop but when I try it on my cellphone they don’t work.
Thank you for any help!

Here is the sketch:

let bell; // Create a new variable called bell
let track1; // Create a new variable called track1
let track2; // Create a new variable called track2

let button1;
let button2;
let button3;

function preload() { // preload your media
	soundFormats('mp3', 'wav','m4a'); // List the SoundFile formats you will include. Options: 'mp3' 'wav' 'ogg'
	bell = loadSound('doorbell.mp3'); // place doorbell.mp3 into the bell variable
	track1 = loadSound('abuse.m4a'); // place doorbell.mp3 into the bell variable
	track2 = loadSound('2.wav'); // place doorbell.mp3 into the bell variable

function setup() {
	createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
	//bell.setVolume(0.5); // set the volume to half
	//bell.play(); // play the sound	

	button1 = createButton("Click me: I'm track 1");
	button1.position(width/2, height/2 -50);
	button2 = createButton("Click me: I'm track 2");
	button2.position(width/2, height/2);
    button3 = createButton("STOP");
	button3.position(width/2, height/2 +50);

function whenButton1Clicked() {
	track1.stop(); // stop track 1 (if it's playing)
	track2.stop(); // stop track 2 (if it's playing)
	track1.loop(); // play track 1

function whenButton2Clicked() {
	track1.stop(); // stop track 1 (if it's playing)
	track2.stop(); // stop track 2 (if it's playing)
	track2.play(); // play track 2
function whenButton3Clicked() {
	track1.stop(); // stop track 1 (if it's playing)
	track2.stop(); // stop track 2 (if it's playing)
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Please edit your previous post, select your code and hit this button </> the properly format the code in the forum.

If you try this button example from the P5.js website, what are your results?


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