Graphica font size in axes and multiple lines in a plot

I am new in processing and I have some questions regarding graphica.
I want to change the font size in graphica and also I want to add a second line in the same plot.
Also is there a list of grapfica commands?
I have already looked into the examples.


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Welcome to the forums!

Good news you’re not the first, bad news, the docs aren’t stellar.
Can I ask what you’re trying to do?

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Hey Tony,
I am trying to plot in the same graph 2 curves.
Also I want to increase the font size of the axis.


But what kind of project is this? If it’s, for example, a school project that requires you to use Graphica, then that’s that. But if this is, say, a personal project and you’re just interested in visualizing some data, I know some great alternatives like MatPlotLib (Python) and D3.js


I am using processing to control some variables in arduino. and then I am ploting arduino values.
More specifically, I am performing a PID control of a DC motor and I am monitoring the controlled speed and the desired speed and I want to plot these two values on the same graph.
To do that I a using grapfica.

I see. Were you able to find anything useful in the thread i linked?