If you want to use GLSL and a pressure library, use P2D.
If not, use FX2D, because:
Rounded Rectangles in
look incredibly weird, if you want clear strokes. (compare it using FX2D / Default renderer & OPENGL, it looks different)
Key Presses in OPENGL behave completly different then in the default renderer or FX2D (hard to describe, try example), example:
import processing.javafx.*;
String inputString = "";
void setup() {
size(400, 200, FX2D); //try P2D or FX2D
void draw() {
text(inputString, 20, 40);
void keyTyped() {
inputString = inputString + key;
- Cursors are the OPENGL default ones, and when used multiple times in one draw call, they start to glitch.
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P2D);
void draw() {
Why not use the default renderer? Because FX2D gives a performance increase like P2D, but doesn’t behave like OPENGL.
This is making it hard to develop something cool, due to these features being needed to develop a good functioning application.
I wish the processing devs (if its processings fault for these errors) would change some of the OPENGL functionalities. They probably can’t do anything about some of the stuff.
I don’t wanna bash OPENGL, but it annoys me, and i had to let it out.
These “perks” have been tested on Windows & Linux.
Happy coding