Full screen issue, white canvas - keyPressed

Hi guys, I am an absolutely newbie of p5js.

I am having trouble when I play my sketch in full screen, I attach an example

I set

function setup() {
	createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

and then

function mousePressed() {

Can you tell me what’s wrong, plz?

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When you try this code you should see the issue.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

function draw() {}
function mousePressed() {

The short version is that just because you used fullscreen(), it doesn’t mean the canvas will change its size. It will only put you into a fullscreen view, while the canvas stays the same size. What you are looking for is a way to resize the canvas.

I hope this helps!
(To make the program resize, first enter fullscreen and after that call the function resizeCanvas(). Play around with it a bit and you should be able to make it fit your needs)


Thanks for your tips

I partially solved adding::

function windowResized() {
  resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

and in the index.html

  body {
    overflow: hidden;
  canvas {

but I would like also to add a fullscreen with the key F

function keyPressed() {
 if(key == 'f'){
 let fs = fullscreen();

This is not working…

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Try to create an IF sentence with this:

so use this:

if fullscreen => resizeCanvas(displayWidth,displayHeight);
else => resizeCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight);

hope this helps!

Thanks man, for the support!

It works, I just would like to add a keyboard shortcut to enter in the fullscreen mode, this is not working actually

function keyPressed() {
 if(key == 'f'){
 let fs = fullscreen();

it works for me in the p5js web editor. don’t forget to click on the canvas before pressing F. It requires focus to catch keystrokes