p5.AudioIn() not working in fullscreen

Hi Forum,

I am stuck debugging a project that my high school students created. They made a game where the player movement is voice activated-- your avatar jumps if you shout at the screen. It works great in the p5 editor view, but when we switch to fullscreen mode for publishing, the sketch does not respond to the mic. I thought this was because of needing to click inside the browser window to activate, but that did not fix the problem. Here is a link to the sketch:

And here’s a link to a simpler example where I got it to work:

I just can’t see what my students’ sketch is missing. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Update-- I got this to work by changing the frameRate to 60fps. I’m not sure why this would make a difference in the fullscreen view only, but it worked so I’m not complaining.

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