FFT in p5.js p5.sound

How is FFT done in p5.sound…
i need fft Algorithm of p5.FFT .please…

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did you find


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No…There is no fft algorithm written there …
I want fft algorithm used in there…

correct, because they (p5.js) not do it, just send the array to…
more digging:



have fun!

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I wrote a dft function specifically to process some strain gauge signals. See if this can help you. Do note that the size of four[x][] will determine the sliding window and also the max k value that will be calculated

//Sliding DFT function that calculates fourier transform
//works with even and uneven windows
void sliding_dft(float time[], float signal[], float[][] fourier) {
  //Make the dimensions of fourier array same as time
  for (int i = 0; i < fourier.length; i++) {
    fourier[i] = expand(fourier[i], time.length);
  //Create max_k and n
  int max_k = fourier.length;
  int n = max_k * 2;
  //Create RE and IM arrays
  float[][] RE = new float[max_k][fourier[0].length];
  float[][] IM = new float[max_k][fourier[0].length];
  float[][] AMP = new float[max_k][fourier[0].length];
  int w_back = n/2;
  int w_up = n/2;
  println("w_back= " + w_back);
  println("w_up= " + w_up);

  for (int i = w_back; i < time.length - w_up; i++) {
    for (int k = 0; k < max_k; k++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        RE[k][i] += signal[i - w_back + j] * cos((-TWO_PI * float(k) * float(j))/ float(n));
        IM[k][i] += signal[i - w_back + j] * sin((-TWO_PI * float(k) * float(j))/ float(n)); 
      fourier[k][i] = sqrt(pow(RE[k][i],2) + pow(IM[k][i],2));
      AMP[k][i] = (2 * fourier[k][i])/n;