Eclipse project to Processing import

Hello, I’ve created a project using core.jar in Eclipse, works good. Can I import my Eclipse project into Processing for further development? If so how? Thanks

Hi @ch-artist,

Hard to answer without knowing your project content…
But generally, yes! Just copy the processing code to the PDE.

— mnse

Hello @ch-artist,

These will give some insight on Processing to Java:

You can “import” it manually (cut and past) and make the necessary changes.

On occasion I have a Processing sketch hang and can restore my java file from the folder here:


When I restore it (cut and past into Processing) I have to comment out some code:

/* autogenerated by Processing revision 1292 on 2023-03-12 */
//import processing.core.*;
//import processing.event.*;
//import processing.opengl.*;

//import processing.core.*;
//import processing.event.*;

//import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.ArrayList;

//public class sketch_230312b extends PApplet {

/* autogenerated by Processing revision 1292 on 2023-03-12 */

public void setup()
  /* size commented out by preprocessor */;  

public void draw()

  public void settings() { size(200, 200); }

//  static public void main(String[] passedArgs) {
//    String[] appletArgs = new String[] { "sketch_230312b" };
//    if (passedArgs != null) {
//      PApplet.main(concat(appletArgs, passedArgs));
//    } else {
//      PApplet.main(appletArgs);
//    }
//  }

Have fun!


Thanks for the comments. I have been copy/pasting from Eclipse to Processing and modifying the code as mentioned which it is time consuming but I was hoping there was a more direct method or via a direct converter? Thanks.