Dates for processing community day 2020?

Have dates for Processing Community Day 2020 been announced yet? To have a successful program I have to plan far in advance to reserve the space and organize the speakers. Does anyone know if it will be in the months of January and February again this year? Thanks.


Hi @beckerc! Iā€™m not aware of any date announcements for PCD 2020.

But if someone else has, please share. :slight_smile:

Hi @beckerc, @outofambit and everyone else
We are working on announcing PCD 2020 soon. And we are also looking for a more flexible timeframe for holding the event. Right now we are considering anytime in the first half of 2020. How does that sound? We hope to finalize all the details in the next week or so.

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I prefer a shorter range of possible dates for PCD to make it feel more like a special event. I like knowing that PCD is happening all over the world around the same time. If it can be held anytime, I worry that people will put it off and never do it, or it will feel like just another Meetup or something that gets lost in the shuffle. But of course, I look forward to participating again regardless of the format it takes this year.

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I agree with @beckerc I think it makes PCD feel like a special event when events are happening all around the world at the same time. I would love an update on the decision because I would like to plan an event for the first time in the Hudson Valley in New York!


I hear you both. We will encourage to stick with jan/feb time but let them schedule it anytime in 2020 they want. Announcement coming soon.