Custom Game project

Hello everyone once again! I’m having a problem trying to make a game, i have my concept and have gotten some help from my professor but im still coming up with errors.
The concept of the game is you control a bubble that you need to keep away from a pin floating around. There is more I want to add but for now, I would like help figuring out why my timer won’t work.

class timer {
  // props
  int startTime;
  int interval;

  Timer(int timeInterval) {
    interval = timeInterval;
  void start() {
    startTime = millis();
  void complete(){
    int elapsedTime = millis() - startTime;
    if (elapsedTime > interval) 
      return true;
    else {
      return false;
    }//end if
}//end class

I’ve also attached screenshots to everyone who helps can have a visual understanding of what’s going on

The name of the class and constructor must be exactly the same including case so use either

class timer {
  // props
  int startTime;
  int interval;

  timer(int timeInterval) {
    interval = timeInterval;


class Timer {
  // props
  int startTime;
  int interval;

  Timer(int timeInterval) {
    interval = timeInterval;

Although both options are correct the second option is preferred because in Java class names are capitalized by convention.


Wonderful that worked for that problem! my next issue comes with the if statements it’s saying these variables don’t exsits im confused if I need to replace the words with myTimer or something else

Timer myTimer;

int currentTime;
String s;

void setup() {
  size(1200, 600);
  myTimer = new Timer(1000);
  s ="";

void draw() {

  //timer stuff
  if (myTimer.complete()== true){
    if (countdownTime > 0){
  else {
    fill (255, 0, 0);
    rect(0,0, width, height);
  }// end cdt

  // text stuff
  s= "Current time is" + currentTime;
  s +="Countdown time is " + countdownTime;
  text(s,width/2, height/2);

}Timer myTimer;

int currentTime;
String s;

void setup() {
  size(1200, 600);
  myTimer = new Timer(1000);
  s ="";

void draw() {

  //timer stuff
  if (myTimer.complete()== true){
    if (countdownTime > 0){
  else {
    fill (255, 0, 0);
    rect(0,0, width, height);
  }// end cdt

  // text stuff
  s= "Current time is" + currentTime;
  s +="Countdown time is " + countdownTime;
  text(s,width/2, height/2);


You need to correct the code above you seem to have the sketch coded duplicated. Also you need to include the code for your timer class.

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Please post your entire code. In one go.

Please not as images but as text.

Thank you.

processing is case sensitive, so the typo here is relevant, use a small i

Won’t work, you need myTimer.start() - the name of the object

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Fixed that issue now saying it missing a “;” but i have one implemented there

class myTimer;

int currentTime;
String s;

void setup() {
  size(1200, 600);
  myTimer = new myTimer(1000);
  s ="";

void draw() {

  //timer stuff
  if (timer.complete()== true){
    if (countdownTime > 0){
  else {
    fill (255, 0, 0);
    rect(0,0, width, height);
  }// end cdt

  // text stuff
  s= "Current time is" + currentTime;
  s +="Countdown time is " + countdownTime;
  text(s,width/2, height/2);


Are you still using the class?


That won’t work. (the keyword class is only used where you define the class)

When your class is named Timer the line to use the class is:

Timer myTimer = new Timer();

It’s convention to have a class name (Timer) start with a Capital Letter. The object derived from the class is with a small letter: myTimer

To use a variable or function of the class, say myTimer.start(); etc., using

  • the object name and
  • a dot . and
  • the function name / variable name

you don’t use Timer there, you don’t the content of the class directly, only as myTimer.something…

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Many errors just occurred saying the class “timer” doesnt exists and is suggesting a java import timer but that then makes even more issues

Timer myTimer = new Timer();

int currentTime;
String s;

void setup() {
  size(1200, 600);
  myTimer = new myTimer(1000);
  s ="";

void draw() {

  //timer stuff
  if (timer.complete()== true){
    if (countdownTime > 0){
  else {
    fill (255, 0, 0);
    rect(0,0, width, height);
  }// end cdt

  // text stuff
  s= "Current time is" + currentTime;
  s +="Countdown time is " + countdownTime;
  text(s,width/2, height/2);


You need to copy paste the class at the end

Nice tutorial Objects /


i apologize for not responding for so long I was contemplating restarting from the ground up and decide to do that. I’m trying to figure out why “millis” won’t work

class myTimer {
  // props
  int startTime;
  int interval;
  myTimer(int timeInterval) {
    interval = timeInterval;
  void start() {
    startTime = millis();
  boolean complete(){
    int elapsedTime = millis() - startTime;
    if (elapsedTime > interval) 
      return true;
    else {
      return false;
    }//end if
}//end class

The class is called Timer …

As I said, post your entire code, class and the rest…

sorry was driving but here is the class code and the button code

class myTimer {
  // props
  int startTime;
  int interval;
  myTimer(int timeInterval) {
    interval = timeInterval;
  void start() {
    startTime = millis();
boolean complete(){
int elapsedTime = millis() - startTime;
if (elapsedTime > interval) 
  return true;
else {
  return false;
}//end if

}//end class

class Button
  PVector Pos= new PVector(0, 0);
  float Width = 0;
  float Height = 0;
  color Color;
  String Text;
  Boolean Pressed = false;
  Boolean Clicked = false;
  // constructor to create a button
  Button(int x, int y, int w, int h, String t, int r, int g, int b)
    Pos.x = x;
    Pos.y = y;
    Width = w;
    Height = h;
    Color = color(r, g, b);
    Text= t;
  void update() //must be placed in void draw() to work
    if (mousePressed==true &&mouseButton == LEFT && Pressed== false)
      Pressed = true;
      if (mouseX>=Pos.x && mouseX <= Pos.x+Width && mouseY >= Pos.y && mouseY <= Pos.y+Height)
        Clicked = true;
      } else
        Clicked = false;
      if (mousePressed !=true)
        Pressed = false;
    void render()// must be placed void draw to render the button to the screen
    //boolean isClicked()// Use this in a if statement to check if the button has clicked
    //return Clicked;

This line implies that your class is named Timer,
not myTimer

Read the tutorial I posted above

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