Custom classes with many drawing components?

Hello! I’m trying to take a drawing of a cat face i’ve made and put it into custom classes that follow a mouse as it moves. I’m a bit confused as to the differences between the base class and an implemented child class. How does one go putting a fairly complex drawing into classes? I know I need to implement a float x = mouseX; and float y = mouseY; into my shapes as well to make them follow the mouse but i’m very confused. Here is my code so far.

size(500, 500);
fill(197, 224, 220);
rect(0, 500, 600, 200);
stroke(224, 142, 121);
triangle(130, 100, 120, 300, 400, 300);
triangle(470, 100, 480, 300, 200, 300);
fill(224, 142, 121);
triangle(150, 150, 130, 300, 500, 280);
triangle(450, 150, 480, 300, 100, 280);
line(120, 280, 40, 260);
line(480, 280, 560, 260);
line(120, 300, 60, 300);
line(480, 300, 540, 300);
line(120, 320, 40, 340);
line(480, 320, 560, 340);
ellipse(300, 300, 400, 300);
fill(224, 142, 121);
triangle(300, 340, 280, 320, 320, 320);
line(300, 340, 260, 360);
line(300, 340, 340, 360);
fill(0, 200, 250);
ellipse(200, 280, 30, 30);
ellipse(400, 280, 30, 30);

any help would be greatly appreciated …

Please, edit your post by clicking the small pen icon on the top right of your post, selecting your code and clicking the </> icon in the editor.
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You can find all the information here:

Now for your question, you can use the translate function to move your cat around. Here an example:

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);

void draw() {
  translate(mouseX-height/2, mouseY-width/2); // This is the important line, the rest is all your code
  fill(197, 224, 220);
  rect(0, 500, 600, 200);
  stroke(224, 142, 121);
  triangle(130, 100, 120, 300, 400, 300);
  triangle(470, 100, 480, 300, 200, 300);
  fill(224, 142, 121);
  triangle(150, 150, 130, 300, 500, 280);
  triangle(450, 150, 480, 300, 100, 280);
  line(120, 280, 40, 260);
  line(480, 280, 560, 260);
  line(120, 300, 60, 300);
  line(480, 300, 540, 300);
  line(120, 320, 40, 340);
  line(480, 320, 560, 340);
  ellipse(300, 300, 400, 300);
  fill(224, 142, 121);
  triangle(300, 340, 280, 320, 320, 320);
  line(300, 340, 260, 360);
  line(300, 340, 340, 360);
  fill(0, 200, 250);
  ellipse(200, 280, 30, 30);
  ellipse(400, 280, 30, 30);

For your class, it would be pretty simple. If the only thing you want is to draw and follow the mouse you just need to create a class Cat and add a show function inside that is a copy paste of the previous draw() function. Like this:

// The class that will handle the cat display
class Cat {
 void show() {
  // This function is a copy/paste of the draw() function above
  translate(mouseX-height/2, mouseY-width/2);
  fill(197, 224, 220);
  rect(0, 500, 600, 200);
  stroke(224, 142, 121);
  triangle(130, 100, 120, 300, 400, 300);
  triangle(470, 100, 480, 300, 200, 300);
  fill(224, 142, 121);
  triangle(150, 150, 130, 300, 500, 280);
  triangle(450, 150, 480, 300, 100, 280);
  line(120, 280, 40, 260);
  line(480, 280, 560, 260);
  line(120, 300, 60, 300);
  line(480, 300, 540, 300);
  line(120, 320, 40, 340);
  line(480, 320, 560, 340);
  ellipse(300, 300, 400, 300);
  fill(224, 142, 121);
  triangle(300, 340, 280, 320, 320, 320);
  line(300, 340, 260, 360);
  line(300, 340, 340, 360);
  fill(0, 200, 250);
  ellipse(200, 280, 30, 30);
  ellipse(400, 280, 30, 30);

Cat myCat;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  myCat = new Cat();

void draw() {;

Thank you very much for your help so quickly. I greatly appreciate it!