Ok so, there’s this code below, which isn’t exactly “hearing” the midi notes, but theoretically I could just manually input all the notes as numerical values, with middle C = 60, etc. It’s just very time consuming. I tried to add a circle, but I only got as far as placing a single one in the corner that won’t change color or position depending on the note, (which is what I want).
Underneath this there’s another code I found that uses something called WebMIDI.js to hear the midi input. This is closer to what I would like, but again I don’t know how to also have a shape “read” the notes and change accordingly…
let midiNotes = [60, 61, 62, 63];
let noteIndex = 0;
let midiVal, freq;
function setup() {
let cnv = createCanvas(100, 100);
osc = new p5.TriOsc();
env = new p5.Envelope();
function draw() {
text('tap to play', 10, 20);
if (midiVal) {
text('MIDI: ' + midiVal, 10, 40);
text('Freq: ' + freq, 10, 60);
function startSound() {
// see also: userStartAudio();
midiVal = midiNotes[noteIndex % midiNotes.length];
freq = midiToFreq(midiVal);
env.ramp(osc, 0, 1.0, 0);
Play midi notes using WebMIDI.js
let midiVal, midiVelocity, freq, osc, env;
WebMidi.enable(function (err) {
//check if WebMidi.js is enabled
if (err) {
console.log("WebMidi could not be enabled.", err);
} else {
console.log("WebMidi enabled!");
// name our visible MIDI input and output ports
console.log("Inputs Ports: ");
for (i = 0; i < WebMidi.inputs.length; i++) {
console.log(i + ": " + WebMidi.inputs[i].name);
// choose an input port (0 means use the first device we see)
inputSoftware = WebMidi.inputs[0];
// listen to all incoming "note on" input events
inputSoftware.addListener('noteon', "all",
function (e) {
// Play the note recieved
startSound(e.note.number, e.velocity);
// listen for noteoff events (not used)
inputSoftware.addListener('noteoff', "all", function (e) {} );
function setup() {
let cnv = createCanvas(640, 480);
osc = new p5.TriOsc();
env = new p5.Envelope();
function draw() {
text('Note info;', 10, 20);
if (midiVal) {
text('MIDI: ' + midiVal, 10, 40);
text('Freq: ' + freq, 10, 60);
circle((midiVal * 5) ,(midiVelocity * 3.8), 20);
function startSound(noteVal, velocityVal) {
midiVal = noteVal;
midiVelocity = velocityVal;
freq = midiToFreq(noteVal);
env.setADSR(0.001, velocityVal);
env.ramp(osc, 0, 1.0, 0);