Hi guys!
I’m working on a music visualizer which was a fork from a great one I found on openprocessing. I just wanted to make a small change:
Right now, each of the bars around the circle cycle straight through the RGB color circle via HSB (going gradually from 0-255). Instead, I would like to map these colors to my own custom multi-colored gradient so that it can more closely align with the logo I have right now. Any suggestions on how I can do this? I have heard about lerpcolor and that seems to be along the lines of what I’m looking for, I’m just not too sure how to implement it.
My fork is on openprocessing right here: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/556570
Here is the code:
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
strokeCap(ROUND); //PROJECT for rectangles, ROUND for circles and rounded rectangles
sound = 1; // Used by load to check if sound has been properly loaded or not
//Load the first song
song = 1
load(song) // This function just loads in a song by number
radius = height*2.03/8; // Radius of the circle made
number = 90; // Number of points making up the circle
baseAngle = -PI*1.1;
angle = baseAngle; // Used to draw the circle of points
translate(width/2, height/2);
fft = new p5.FFT(); // This allows us to then generate a waveform and spectrum
amplitude = new p5.Amplitude();
rec = 0; // This only needs to be non-zero if using strokeCap(Project), since it means they will be properly rotated
img = loadImage("b4.png");
bg = loadImage("background5.jpg");
function draw() {
image(bg, 0, 0, 1920, 1080);
// image(img, 638, 165, 650, 650); //15-inch retina Mac maximized window chrome at 75% zoom
image(img, 638, 186, 650, 650); //Desktop fullscreen 1080p at 100% zoom
if(sound.isPlaying() == false && sound.isPaused() == false){ // Will return true if a sound has just been loaded in
fft = new p5.FFT(); // Generate a new Fourier Transform for the new track
sound.pause(); // This will trigger while waiting for a new track to load
magnitude = radius/20
angle = baseAngle;
var spectrum = fft.analyze(); // This is what gives us the shape
var waveform = fft.waveform(); // I am not using waveform but it's here if you want it
translate(width/2, height/2);
for(var i = 0; i < number; i++){
spec = spectrum[i*2]; // Most of the 1024 parts of the spectrum are unused, we only need 1-200ish really (does depend on the song)
size = sq(map(spec, 0, 255, 0, 1)); // Squaring the map() just means there is a bigger difference between the highs and the lows
level = amplitude.getLevel(); // Get the current volume
x1 = sin(angle)*radius; // Get the inner coords of the point on the circle using trig
y1 = cos(angle)*radius;
modifier = (1 + size/2)*(1+level/10) + rec; // This basically calculates the length of each line, play around with the values!
x2 = x1 * modifier; // Get the second set of coords for the end of the line
y2 = y1 * modifier;
strokeWeight((level+1)*6); // Change line width based on volume
stroke(i*(360/number), (30*level)+55, 360); // Rainbow colours
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
angle += -TWO_PI/number;
function keyPressed() {
if(keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW){next()} // Next track (loops back to start if at end)
if(keyCode == LEFT_ARROW){prev()} // Previous track (loops back to end if at start)
if(keyCode == DOWN_ARROW){noLoop(); sound.pause()} // noLoop() is used to make sure the wave freezes
if(keyCode == UP_ARROW){loop(); sound.play()}
if(key == 'R'){strokeCap(ROUND); rec = 0} // Circles
if(key == 'P'){strokeCap(SQUARE); rec = 0.001} // Squares
function next(){
if(song < 6){song ++}
else{song = 1}
function prev(){
if(song > 1){song --}
else{song = 6}
function load(num) {
if(sound != 1){sound.stop();} // Stop current sound from playing, unless its the very first time loading
sound = loadSound(num+'.mp3')
Any help is appreciated, even pointers to good general tutorials!