Create and Run .bat file for FFMPEG code

Hi Deanomite,

  • I have no idea why the file selection dialogs need to be backwards, could you set a boolean that is true once the user has selected the file and then from there call the output selection?

  • Why not also have the conversion happen automatically once the output has been selected? no more need for a mouse click to trigger it.

  • The redirection of the error log is allowing me (you) to print the stderror stream from ffmpeg to a text file. I did this in my program so that I could get hold of the progress of the capture i was doing and then read it back in to processing as a progress bar.

  • When you convert a file you will see that in the selected folder there is also the ffmpeglog.txt file, that’s what the redirecterrorstream is doing.
    Have a look at the thread I linked to last time and you can see hamoid and jeremy making just this suggestion.

Glad you got it to work, and I hope this has helped to clarify things. I am by no means an expert in this, Hamoid and JeremyDouglass were the reason I go this working in the first place.

I’d also point you toward the fileFilter class from java.
goToLoop has an example here..
This will make it easier when using the select file dialog as you can filter for only .avi files.