Color Histogram by Greg Borenstein

Hi guys, recently i download library by Greg Borenstein from his website which was PSVM and i tried to look at his example but his code hasn’t finished yet, and i got Syntax Error - Missing operator after return histogram.; can anybody figure it out what is missing? here’s the code

import psvm.*;

SVM model;

// declare Histogram object
Histogram histogram;
// "bin" the histogram into 32 separate
// color groups
int numBins = 32;

PImage testImage;
double testResult;

int[] labels; // 1 = squirrel, 2 = bird
float[][] trainingData;
String[] testFilenames;

void setup() {
  size(600, 600);
  // get the names of all of the image files in the "squirrel" folder squirrelFolder = new"squirrels"));
  String[] squirrelFilenames = squirrelFolder.list();

  // get the names of all of the image files in the "birds" folder birdFolder = new"birds"));
  String[] birdFilenames = birdFolder.list();

  // initialize labels and trainingData arrays
  // one label for each training image
  labels = new int[squirrelFilenames.length + birdFilenames.length];
  // one vector for each training image
  // each vector has 3 entries for each bin
  // one each for R, G, and B
  trainingData = new float[labels.length][numBins*3];
  // create the histogram object and tell it how many
  // bins we want
  histogram  = new Histogram();

  // build vectors for each squirrel image
  // and add the appropriate label
  for (int i = 0; i < squirrelFilenames.length; i++) {
    println("loading squirrel " + i);
    trainingData[i] = buildVector(loadImage("squirrels/" + squirrelFilenames[i]));
    labels[i] = 1;

  // build vectors for each bird image
  // and add the appropriate label
  for (int i = 0; i < birdFilenames.length; i++) {
    println("loading bird " + i);
    trainingData[i + squirrelFilenames.length] = buildVector(loadImage("birds/" + birdFilenames[i]));
    labels[i+ squirrelFilenames.length] = 2;

  // setup our SVM model
  model = new SVM(this);
  SVMProblem problem = new SVMProblem();
  // each vector will have three features for each bin
  // in our histogram: one each for red, green, and blue
  // components
  // set the data and train the SVM
  problem.setSampleData(labels, trainingData);
  // load in the test images testFolder = new"test"));
  testFilenames = testFolder.list();
  // run the evaluation (see function for more)
  // loads and tests a new image from the test folder

// This function calculates the histogram for a PImage
// and scales it so that the sum of each RGB entry is 1
// the results are used as the feature vector for SVM
float[] buildVector(PImage img) {
  histogram.scale(0, 0.33);
  return histogram.;

void draw() {
  image(testImage, 0, 60);
  // testResult is set in loadNewTestImage()
  String message = "";
  if((int)testResult == 1){
    message = "Squirrel";
  else if((int)testResult == 2){
    message = "Bird";
  text(message, 10, 25);
  text("Percent classified correctly: " + nf(correctPercentage * 100,2,2), 20, height -40);
  histogram.drawRGB(0, height/2, width, height/2);

// Loads up a new random image.
// Runs in through the SVM for classification.
// Stores the results in the testResult variable.
void loadNewTestImage(){
  int imgNum = (int)random(0, testFilenames.length-1);
  testImage = loadImage("test/" + testFilenames[imgNum]); 
  testResult = model.test(buildVector(testImage));

void keyPressed(){

float correctPercentage = 0.0;

void evaluateResults(){
  int numCorrect = 0;
  PImage img;
  for (int i = 0; i < testFilenames.length; i++) {
    img = loadImage("test/" + testFilenames[i]); 
    double r = model.test(buildVector(img));
    if(r == 1.0 && split(testFilenames[i], "-")[0].equals("Squirrel")){
    if(r == 2.0 && split(testFilenames[i], "-")[0].equals("Bird")){
  correctPercentage = (float)numCorrect/testFilenames.length;
  println("Num Bins: " + numBins + " Percent Correct: " + correctPercentage);
class Histogram {
  int numBins;
  int[] pixels;
  boolean calculated;
  int min, max;

  Histogram() {
    this.numBins = 256;
    this.calculated = false;
    this.min = 0;
    this.max = 255;

  void setNumBins(int numBins) {
    this.numBins = numBins;

  void setImage(PImage img) {
    this.pixels = img.pixels;
    calculated = false;

  void setPixels(int[] pix) {
    this.pixels = pix;
    calculated = false;

  float[] rHist;
  float[] bHist;
  float[] gHist;

  float[] hHist;
  float[] sHist;
  float[] vHist;

  int binIndexForValue(int value) {
    return value/binSize();

  void calculateHistogram() {
    rHist = new float[numBins];
    gHist = new float[numBins];
    bHist = new float[numBins];
    hHist = new float[numBins];
    sHist = new float[numBins];
    vHist = new float[numBins];

    for (int i = 0; i < this.pixels.length; i++) {
      int rBright = int(red(this.pixels[i]));
      int gBright = int(green(this.pixels[i]));
      int bBright = int(blue(this.pixels[i]));

      int hBright = int(hue(this.pixels[i]));
      int sBright = int(saturation(this.pixels[i]));
      int vBright = int(brightness(this.pixels[i]));



  void scale(float min, float max) {
    for (int i = 0; i < numBins; i++) {
      rHist[i] = map(rHist[i], 0, this.pixels.length, min, max);
      gHist[i] = map(gHist[i], 0, this.pixels.length, min, max);      
      bHist[i] = map(bHist[i], 0, this.pixels.length, min, max);
      hHist[i] = map(hHist[i], 0, this.pixels.length, min, max);
      sHist[i] = map(sHist[i], 0, this.pixels.length, min, max);
      vHist[i] = map(vHist[i], 0, this.pixels.length, min, max);

  void setRange(int min, int max) {
    this.min = min;
    this.max = max;

  int binSize() {
    return ceil((float)(max - min) / numBins);

  float[] getHSV() {
    float[] result = new float[numBins * 3];
    for (int i = 0; i < numBins; i++) {
      result[i] = hHist[i];
      result[i+numBins] = sHist[i];
      result[i+(2*numBins)] = vHist[i];
    return result;

  float[] getRGB() {
    float[] result = new float[numBins * 3];
    for (int i = 0; i < numBins; i++) {
      result[i] = rHist[i];
      result[i+numBins] = gHist[i];
      result[i+(2*numBins)] = bHist[i];
    return result;

  void drawRGB(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    // int histMax = max(histData);

    fill(255, 0, 0);
    drawChannel(rHist, x, y, w, h/3);
    fill(0, 255, 0);
    drawChannel(gHist, x, y+h/3, w, h/3);
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    drawChannel(bHist, x, y+(2*h)/3, w, h/3);

  void drawChannel(float[] data, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
    int binWidth = w/numBins;

    for (int i = 0; i < numBins; i++) {
      float mappedH = map(data[i], 0, 0.33, 0, h);
      rect((i*binWidth), y, w / numBins, -mappedH);