I propose to make the code format button icon </> maybe more intutive.
Just to make it easyer to find by new user, and not so new user like me that dont remember where t ofind it each time.
ex. [Code format]
I propose to make the code format button icon </> maybe more intutive.
Just to make it easyer to find by new user, and not so new user like me that dont remember where t ofind it each time.
ex. [Code format]
Until today, I never figured out what </> was supposed to mean or where it was supposed to be. I always used View > Source (in the browser) to (re) figure out what html tag to use (spanning a few years of forum use and a dozen-plus code posts).
Finally just found it, buried under (what to me looks like) the settings icon for the editor.
I have recently made this gif and added it to the relevant FAQ pages on the forum:
Feel free to use it in your own messages if you are helping someone format their code. You can add it by pasting this line in your message:
![Format code](upload://7sQFL1UrW7m6WvgXlZWtIZytFYV.gif)
Great gif, very helpful!
Not sure what I’m missing, but I’m not getting the ‘format code’ button on my main toolbar (firefox, Win 10). Who knows, and no longer needed.
It is the preformatted text one at the top of the menu
— mnse
Hello @sableRaph and @ProcessingOrg,
There are currently two documents that have instructions on formatting code:
They are not the same and have different content; one has more detail than the other.
Please consider editing these (those) so they have the same content.
I have edited Guidelines—Asking Questions with a brief section on code formatting and a link to the FAQ to avoid having to maintain two redundant bits of documentation. Thanks for your feedback.