I’m loading 2 objs files with loadModel. Both objs have the same vert count, and because of this I’m trying to animate the verts to lerp from one model onto the other in the draw loop.
I have direct access to the model’s vertices so I’m editing their values to do this. Any changes to the vertices are only reflected on the first frame then have no effect on the model beyond that. Do I have a call a method or something to refresh the model to update to its current vertex values?
You need to set a few properties from the model to its dirtyFlags. This seems to trigger it to clear and redraw. Let me know if I can optimize it in any way!
Hi there,
I’m also trying to change the vertices parameter of the WEBGL model to animate in draw loop. But I am currently encountering the same problem, and parameter adjustments are only reflected in the first frame. Changes can only be seen by refreshing the page. Do you still save your solution? Or can you describe the specific steps? The link above seems to be expired. Looking forward to your reply.