Can you help find and fix the Unexpected identifier error …
int thingX = 10; int thingY = 20;
int thingW = 30; int thingH = 40;
void setup() {
// noStroke();
} // end setup
void draw() {
// mouse over ( thing )
( mouseX > ( thingX )
&& mouseX < ( thingX ) + thingW
&& mouseY > thingY )
&& mouseY < ( thingY ) + thingH ) ?
fill( 0,255,0 ) : fill( 255,0,0 )
rect( thingX,thingY, thingW,thingH );
} // end draw
I’m sure you will be getting a response from someone telling you to format your code, so I would first drop that little note
Your code seems to be quite incomplete, where is your if statement? I assume that is what you want to do:
if ( mouseX > thingX && mouseX < ( thingX + thingW ) && mouseY > thingY && mouseY < ( thingY + thingH) )
fill( 0,255,0 );
fill( 255,0,0 );
rect( thingX, thingY, thingW,thingH );
Yeah, I think I can see what is you were trying to do? Kind of looked like those enhanced conditional if’s from C++
Anyways, hopefully that makes sense. You were close but just missing the if statement, and you had the “:” which I’m sure gave the Unexpected Identifier error.