I am very VERY new at coding and I’m not sure how to make it so if the apple touches the basket then the score will increase by one; instead the score increases by one when it crosses the Y-axis of the basket so every time no matter what. I also need help with how to make it so every time an apple falls it plays the same sound; instead, it plays and stops it once by doesn’t repeat every time the apple falls.
The code:
//importing sound through minim
//I tried to use Soundfile but it didn’t work
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer player;
//loading images
PImage apple;
PImage basket;
PImage cloud;
float appleSpeed = 3; //speed that apple is falling
float appleXPosition;
float appleYPosition = 0;
float score = 0;
float basketXPosition;
float basketYPosition = 310;
float basketpoint;
float grass;
void setup()
size(600, 400);
background(195, 251, 250);
//loading images
apple = loadImage(“apple.png”);
basket = loadImage(“basket.png”);
cloud = loadImage(“cloud.png”);
appleXPosition= random(10, 590);
basketXPosition = mouseX; //basket cooresponds with mouse
//new mp3 file imported (falling noise for apples)
minim = new Minim(this);
player = minim.loadFile(“Fallingsound.mp3”);
void draw()
background(195, 251, 250);
text(score, 550, 20);
//grass on ground
fill(139, 241, 174);
ellipse(300, 400, 600, 40);
image(cloud, 100, 20, 60, 60);
image(cloud, 300, 40, 80, 80);
image(cloud, 500, 25, 80, 80);
//code for apple falling
image(apple, appleXPosition, appleYPosition, 50, 50);
appleYPosition = appleYPosition + appleSpeed;
//making noise when apple falls
if (appleYPosition <= 5) {
//stopping noise once apple hits the floor
if (appleYPosition>= 350) {
//How do I get it to play and stop everytime
//the apple hits the floor and appears at the top,
//not just on the first apple
//if apple hits floor
if (appleYPosition >= 350) {
appleXPosition = random (10, 590);
appleYPosition = 0;
//Getting basket to correlate with the mouse along x axis
image(basket, mouseX, basketYPosition, 70, 70);
//if the apple goes in the basket
if (appleYPosition== basketXPosition) {
appleYPosition= 0;
appleXPosition = random (10, 590);
score = score + 1; //score increases by one
//I couldn’t figure out how to make it so that when the
//apple specifically touches the basket you would gain a point
//if score gets to 10 show “gameover” on screen
if (score == 10) {
background (225);
text(“gameover”, 250, 200, 100, 200);