Hi! I am completely new in the world of programming! I have started my programming lessons recently and I am stuck with my homework. What I basically have to do is a moving ball. The ball should move with velocity 20 pixels/second and change the direction after touching one of the edges (right or left). What script/code should I use?
Here is what I already created:
int currTime, prevTime;
float elapsedTime;
float xspeed = 20;
float x0, x1;
void setup(){
size(600, 200);
currTime = prevTime = millis();
void draw(){
currTime = millis();
elapsedTime = (currTime - prevTime) / 1000.0;
prevTime = currTime;
background(150, 150, 150);
x0 += xspeed * elapsedTime;
fill (250, 250, 0);
ellipse(x0, 64, 20, 20);
if (x0 >= 600 ) {
xspeed= -1;